
Suggestions for Navigating the Spiritual Community

Suggestions for Navigating the Spiritual Community

In order to receive genuine, soul-activating truth, we must check in and listen to the internal voice of God above all other leaders, teachers, gurus, religions belief systems or opinions.

If someone else’s voice is leading our internal compass we simply do not have authentic sovereignty and can be led astray, enticed into paying a large sum of money, or sign a contract that will turn into a very big lesson/ loss. We can be pitted against each other easily when trigger is present. We can be eager to blame to ease pain and shame when we aren’t even in tune with our own internal Christ Light or listening to our own soul…

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Solstice Portal Pre Dark Attack

Without fear, let’s be highly aware of the lunar forces and lash back occurring through this full moon. The frequency of challenge and threat they feel about how much control they’re losing through this solstice portal is quite intense. They’re certainly in the process of throwing black magic to create chaos in the field…

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