Activate Your Gifts

Practitioner Certification Course

~ Self Study ~

This course is for anyone who desires to have their superpowers activated and be able to activate them in others using the Soul Origin, Gift and DNA Mapping System and process I created.

You will learn to identify your own celestial and earthly timeline Akashic Origins and Gift Templates through those bloodlines, reactivate them within you and use those powers in alignment with your mission/purpose in incredible ways for yourself and your clients with high levels of confidence.

Class One

Celestial Origin


In our first class, we will learn to use the Origin Mapping System that I designed with Sophia Christ to help you master how to read where someone comes from through the cosmos.

Within this system are all the grail lines, sacred bloodlines, E.T collectives, celestial and galactic origins and gifted blueprints completely mapped out so you can learn how to read yours and others’ galactic/celestial origins and mission/purpose.

You will be able to map 9 gifts for yourself and others and teach how to use them.

Class Two

Activate Your


God has given us each 9 gifts that are meant to be utilized in our lifetime. Each one brilliant, powerful and fun and helps us to create our spiritual brand and signature for magnetizing soul clients and abundance.

Using the Origin Mapping System we learned about in class one, we will identify each specific gift blueprint connected to our origin/grail line and learn how to activate them for ourselves and others.

This is a game-changer when our soul gifts come online and allow us to do incredible and powerful energetic activation!

Bonus Class

Review + Group Gift


In this Bonus Class, we’re going to go over the entire Soul Origin Mapping and Gift Activation process together, in-depth, to ensure you have a rock-solid understanding before doing this work for others and feel confident while doing so. 

We will also do a group Activate Your Gifts session so even if you have not done this session with me before, you can get the full experience!

What’s Included

One 3-Hour Celestial Origin Mapping Class

One 3-Hour Activate Your

Gifts Class

One Review + Group Activation Bonus Class

Access to Emily’s Celestial Origin &

Gift Activation Mapping Systems

Activate Your Gifts

Practitioner Certificate

Join the Course

(Three payment options available)

Please Contact Us if you would like to pay via Venmo or Cashapp.

Click HERE to review the Terms of Purchase before purchasing this course

Click HERE to review the Terms of Purchase before purchasing this course

Click HERE to review the Terms of Purchase before purchasing this course

© 2014 - 2024 Emily Harris. All Rights Reserved. Privacy & Terms.

Activate Your Gifts

Practitioner Certification Course

~ Self Study ~

This course is for anyone who desires to have their superpowers activated and be able to activate them in others using the Soul Origin, Gift and DNA Mapping System and process I created.

You will learn to identify your own celestial and earthly timeline Akashic Origins and Gift Templates through those bloodlines, reactivate them within you and use those powers in alignment with your mission/purpose in incredible ways for yourself and your clients with high levels of confidence.

Class One

Celestial Origin Mapping

In our first class, we will learn to use the Origin Mapping System that I designed with Sophia Christ to help you master how to read where someone comes from through the cosmos.

Within this system are all the grail lines, sacred bloodlines, E.T collectives, celestial and galactic origins and gifted blueprints completely mapped out so you can learn how to read yours and others’ galactic/celestial origins and mission/purpose.

You will be able to map 9 gifts for yourself and others and teach how to use them.

Class Two

Activate Your Gifts

God has given us each 9 gifts that are meant to be utilized in our lifetime. Each one brilliant, powerful and fun and helps us to create our spiritual brand and signature for magnetizing soul clients and abundance.

Using the Origin Mapping System we learned about in class one, we will identify each specific gift blueprint connected to our origin/grail line and learn how to activate them for ourselves and others.

This is a game-changer when our soul gifts come online and allow us to do incredible and powerful energetic activation!

Bonus Class

Review + Group Gift Activation

In this Bonus Class, we’re going to go over the entire Soul Origin Mapping and Gift Activation process together, in-depth, to ensure you have a rock-solid understanding before doing this work for others and feel confident while doing so. 

We will also do a group Activate Your Gifts session so even if you have not done this session with me before, you can get the full experience!

What’s Included

One 3-Hour Celestial Origin Mapping Class

One 3-Hour Activate Your

Gifts Class

One Review + Group Activation Bonus Class

Access to Emily’s Celestial Origin &

Gift Activation Mapping Systems

Activate Your Gifts

Practitioner Certificate

Join the Course

(Three payment options available)

Please Contact Us if you would like to pay via Venmo or Cashapp

Click HERE to review the Terms of Purchase before purchasing this course

Click HERE to review the Terms of Purchase before purchasing this course

Click HERE to review the Terms of Purchase before purchasing this course

© 2014 - 2024 Emily Harris. All Rights Reserved. Privacy & Terms.