"Transcending Indigo Contracts: The Rise of a New Harmonic" Webinar 


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This is Our Make It or Break It Era

My God the level of projection is insane at the moment. This is at a peak level in the field right now. Black magic and curse matrices are being thrown at an unprecedented level.

This wouldn’t be happening if we were not on an incredible precipice of the expanding light quotient…

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Stand Up For Yourself

The energy right now is calling for us to stand up for ourselves.

This doesn’t mean we have to argue with anyone or prove anything. It’s a reclamation of Divine Power, our God given right to truly stand for who we are in the face of projection, ridicule and lies…

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Sophia Clearing Astral Debris Fields and Interfaced Superimposed Karma

Sophia Clearing Astral Debris Fields and Interfaced Superimposed Karma

When we come to this planet, we often take on bloodlines that need to be rehabilitated back to the source field. This includes taking on genetics and epigenetic karmic distortions that can be severe.

Some people will take on betrayal scenarios or violations and go through the ‘as above so below’ process of clearing that signature and cycle of energy and transmuting it through retrieving the codes of overcoming that specific frequency that’s stuck replaying and cycling. This can require that we face certain outer circumstances that trigger this core wound back into zero point and anchor a new timeline of experience for that bloodline and any beings connected to that specific genetic line which can be vast…

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Ancient Cathar Heart & Womb Technology Coming Online via Carnac France 

Ancient Cathar Heart & Womb Technology Coming Online via Carnac France 

The word Cathar can deeply resonate for many people as it is the original translation of the true Sophia Code or the Female God Principle manifesting into form.

When we begin healing our Womb/Heart Solar Line that links the womb and higher heart together, it will activate the Cathar Code or Blue Aqua Diamond Cathar Crystal Seed within both chakras riding electric blue diamond light creating the Sophianic Template and turning on the highest, most magnetic form of feminine energy possible.

The Cathar/Sophia Code is the essence of…

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Waves of Transformative Ecstasy Moves Through True Masculine Presence

Waves of Transformative Ecstasy Moves Through True Masculine Presence

Many claim that they want a truly present man. A man who is in tune emotionally, spiritually and telepathically with them, who sees them in places unseen and touches them in places untouched.

I also have wanted this and after having now lived 4 and a half years with the experience of it, would like to share the fantasy of this vs the reality from my own gnosis and lived experience.

I probably have lived and been the definition of a “wounded healer”. My wounds upon entering Union were cavernous and my father wound was profound…

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Soul Bankruptcy and Spiritual Entrepreneurship – Change is Here

Soul Bankruptcy and Spiritual Entrepreneurship – Change is Here

Some have severely compromised their souls to be spiritual entrepreneurs and the cracks are beginning to show.

They have not built their lives on God, and as a result, when the true Light of Christ begins to rise, their faulty, deficient foundations are beginning to crumble. Many are jumping ship without having a true heart change because they’re realizing there is an evolution that is occurring that no longer calls people to make investments based on a curated image via the so-called abundant and “financially free” lifestyle they’re selling…

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Yahweh vs Sophia – Being Punished for Being Bad by the Dark Father

Yahweh vs Sophia – Being Punished for Being Bad by the Dark Father

When we begin to dig into relevant timelines connected to the Cathar Code (aka the Sophia code) and those who hold that essence, we come up to multiple traumas from antichrist forces

When we begin to dig into relevant timelines connected to the Cathar Code (aka the Sophia Code) and those who hold that essence, we come up to multiple traumas from antichrist forces.

For example: the Reptilian force where we process Divine Union Hijacking and False Twin Flame Interfacing into our Christ- Sophia Template..

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Purgatory and Phantom Fields Clearing

Purgatory and Phantom Fields Clearing

The last few years have been collectively traumatic as most of the manufactured and orchestrated evil that occurs here has been intentional in order to break our spirit and obliterate our hearts and faith in God.

We all struggle and we are all linked together in the chain of humanity, so we feel one another.

This fallen planet is definitely number 1 in our universe for the worst forms of spiritual, emotional and physical suffering because of what has happened here and we’re all holding these atrocities in our hearts, trying to live through them with some semblance of redemption through inner work…

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