This work, should you choose to experience it, can be summed up as very rare, unique and sacred.
It is ancient and connected to the true bloodline of Christ.
God has given me a Gift
A gift to create profound, miraculous shifts in the lives of others by initiating them into the highest potential within their highest timelines.
The essence of this work we’ll be doing together is called Fieldwork which activates through the living Christ/Sophia Logos Blueprint and is connected to the living Akashic Realm that holds multiple universes of information, clearing and healing tools, living plasma light and more.
As a Multidimensional Visual,
I am able to see into places that are usually very hard to perceive or know.
I am also able to connect with the many Christ Guardians throughout the cosmos who are able to reveal incredible, intricate details about a person’s Soul, Mission, Divine Union and any inversions they may be unaware of for a complete healing/activation experience that goes straight to the root.
I consider myself a living portal of wisdom.
I am here to start a Revolution
Words I resonate deeply with are Oracle and Sophia, which convey the Feminine Holy Spirit which is an aspect of God. I am connected to the soul of Sarah, daughter of Christ – a Feminine Christ/Sophia Grail Line and my Light Language that I use in sessions is connected to Aramaic, which Christ spoke and I inherited for profound healing purposes.
If you’re feeling activated and resonant with me, I invite you to choose one of the sessions below to begin our work together.
No matter which session you choose, I can promise that this will be one of the most soul-changing and heart-activating experiences of your life!
~ All glory to god ~
Miracle Session
Miracle Session
The Miracle Session is a Holy Baptism of communing and creation with the Living God and Holy Spirit.
This session goes incredibly deep and is for anyone who is in need of a huge shift or miracle in their life.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($150 USD) or 60 Minutes ($333 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule.
Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.
Inorganic Removals
Inorganic Removals Session
There is no aspect of (anti-god) or anti-christ consciousness that I’m not confident I can help you heal and clear fully.
During this session, we do a full removal of all implants, curses, hexes, reptilian, E.T, AI interfacing Systems, inorganic timelines, holographic inserts, false twin flame, sexual misery, SRA, deep core soul fragmentation and trauma (whatever is relevant) at the time of your session.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($222 USD) or 60 Minutes ($444 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule.
Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.
Activate Your Gifts
Gift Activation Session
Within each person are 9 core gifts that are capable of being activated through their DNA.
During your Gift Activation Session, I will use my Multidimensional Vision Template (one of my core gifts) to pull these holographic blueprints up, read the signatures of your soul mission and gift templates, and activate them (typically 3-4 per session) to their full potential using plasma light.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($222 USD) or 60 Minutes ($444 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule.
Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.
Divine Union Session
Divine Union Session
The Christ Sophia Divine Union Template Restoration session is to fully support your true union.
During this powerful session, I am able to clear all corrupted masculine/feminine coding. All false programs including wing damage, anti-Heiros Gamos software, gender splitting and false twin flame, narcissist, reptilian interfacing and all Lilith and Azazael programming. Anything stifling your Union will be shown to me by the Guardians. I will remove and rebuild your diamond light architecture to support your true beloved signature and full alchemical Union that aligns to inner and physical union with the true genetic equal.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($222 USD) or 60 Minutes ($444 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule.
Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.
© 2016 - 2025 Emily Harris. All Rights Reserved. Privacy & Terms.
This work, should you choose to experience it, can be summed up as very rare, unique and sacred.
It is ancient and connected to the true bloodline of Christ.

God has given me a gift
A gift to create profound, miraculous shifts in the lives of others by initiating them into the highest potential within their highest timelines.
The essence of this work we’ll be doing together is called Fieldwork which activates through the living Christ/Sophia Logos Blueprint and is connected to the living Akashic Realm that holds multiple universes of information, clearing and healing tools, living plasma light and more.
As a Multidimensional Visual,
I am able to see into places that are usually very hard to perceive or know.
I am also able to connect with the many Christ Guardians throughout the cosmos who are able to reveal incredible, intricate details about a person’s Soul, Mission, Divine Union and any inversions they may be unaware of for a complete healing/activation experience that goes straight to the root.
I consider myself a living portal of wisdom.

I am here to start a Revolution
Words I resonate deeply with are Oracle and Sophia, which convey the Feminine Holy Spirit which is an aspect of God. I am connected to the soul of Sarah, daughter of Christ – a Feminine Christ/Sophia Grail Line and my Light Language that I use in sessions is connected to Aramaic, which Christ spoke and I inherited for profound healing purposes.
If you’re feeling activated and resonant with me, I invite you to choose one of the sessions below to begin our work together.
No matter which session you choose, I can promise that this will be one of the most soul-changing and heart-activating experiences of your life!
~ All glory to god ~
Miracle Session
The Miracle Session is a Holy Baptism of communing and creation with the Living God and Holy Spirit.
This session goes incredibly deep and is for anyone who is in need of a huge shift or miracle in their life.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($150 USD) or 60 Minutes ($333 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule. Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.
Inorganic Removals Session
There is no aspect of (anti-god) or anti-christ consciousness that I’m not confident I can help you heal and clear fully.
During this session, we do a full removal of all implants, curses, hexes, reptilian, E.T, AI interfacing Systems, inorganic timelines, holographic inserts, false twin flame, sexual misery, SRA, deep core soul fragmentation and trauma (whatever is relevant) at the time of your session.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($222 USD) or 60 Minutes ($444 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule. Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.
Gift Activation Session
Within each person are 9 core gifts that are capable of being activated through their DNA.
During your Gift Activation Session, I will use my Multidimensional Vision Template (one of my core gifts) to pull these holographic blueprints up, read the signatures of your soul mission and gift templates, and activate them (typically 3-4 per session) to their full potential using plasma light.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($222 USD) or 60 Minutes ($444 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule. Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.
Divine Union Session
The Christ Sophia Divine Union Template Restoration session is to fully support your true union.
During this powerful session, I am able to clear all corrupted masculine/feminine coding. All false programs including wing damage, anti-Heiros Gamos software, gender splitting and false twin flame, narcissist, reptilian interfacing and all Lilith and Azazael programming. Anything stifling your Union will be shown to me by the Guardians. I will remove and rebuild your diamond light architecture to support your true beloved signature and full alchemical Union that aligns to inner and physical union with the true genetic equal.
Session Length: 30 Minutes ($222 USD) or 60 Minutes ($444 USD)
Sessions are done via Zoom Audio, Facebook Messenger Call or Phone. Once your payment is complete, DO NOT close the browser window. You will be automatically redirected to our calendar to schedule. Sessions are non-refundable. Please review our policy prior to purchasing.

© 2016 - 2025 Emily Harris. All Rights Reserved. Privacy & Terms.