Summer Solstice Portal Energies
In this Transmission
Summer Solstice Portal
Emergence of White Buffalo & Pocahontas Grail Lines of Sophia
Figure 8 Golden Lattice Fields of Light with Lyran Healing Portals
Forces trying to Break our Spirit and Confuse us

I was able to feel miasma through my grandmother this morning and my biological feminine bloodline.
It was a feeling of rage that she was holding and I felt her thinking about how devastated she had been with the masculine when she was vulnerable and how mistreated she was which created a burning anger that began overlaying her vulnerable feminine heart. There was a mental miasma as well, like a mental illness or hormonal imbalance from this anger and that anger would result in a bipolar-like response toward life. Then, I saw a metal reptilian crown implant that was feeding these lower thoughts in a cycle that would result in the desire to drink alcohol or it would bring a kind of harshness towards the innocence, the feminine essence within her and then in her daughters.
My grandmother was an artist, she was creative and that energy was the way she loved others, it was one of the ways she could express love, but this anger seemed to create these kind of black holes and painful trauma imprints in the timeline connected to her and I remember at 21 and 22, two different events that felt like getting hit with black magic so hard that I kind of unravelled physically and mentally and sadly, I looked to a masculine that was holding reptilian genetics and reptilian interfacing to console me and give me solace. Not only was he not capable, but I sustained a brutal trauma that once again mirrored my grandmother’s relationship with my grandpa, and it was almost the exact same feeling of being discarded and like I had opened my most vulnerable, feminine self and it was just thrown away and mistreated so profoundly. I would show up to be mistreated in attempt to get that feeling of safety, but there was no safety to be had with that person.
This miasma was replayed and of course, many of you know the process of how I got out of the reptilian, false twin flame interface and how I aligned to my genetic equal and true union through devotion to the Christ…I had to flush a lot of false light, a lot of sharp implants that mimicked true, spiritual love with the dark portal or wounded person who is there to trigger your pain body and pull you into loosh tagging and astral harvesting.
Anyways, it was amazing to see and feel two generations back how the two most intense events of my life were directly coming through my biological mother bloodline and replaying the experiences of mental sickness and betrayal from the masculine resulting in the severing of my own feminine essence as I believed it was not safe. Now, after working through so much and healing the severing between my Heart and Womb and restoring the Crystalline Womb and Aqua Heart Field of Sophia, I am able to allow the authentic expression of who I am, be held in the safety of Christ and my beloved who is a reflection of the inner Christ I resurrected and restored through allowing Christ back in Heart and Soul.
It was such a relief to validate and heal the last remaining soul fracturing from my grandmother and the targeting she underwent in her own life. Clearing the painful timeline allowed for atonement and the falling away of deeper core woundings in my relationship to trusting God.
I saw an extreme trust wound that I felt I inherited and sustained towards God and being taken care of and it’s all coming full circle within – I am feeling it in my nervous system mainly. It’s uprooting a pattern of mistrust and fear in provision and being held by the Divine in all ways.
It’s hard to trust when God allows us to experience the atrocities done to humanity for eons in the form of unprocessed, emotional trauma and faulty templates that need to be experienced and then alchemized in order for the solution and a way out of continuing to push these traumas down the bloodline to others to be embodied.
It’s us creating the pathway out of the imprisonment of familial/collective curses and purgatory fields.
While the higher self understands, the human self is not always able to handle it with grace and instead, reacts with deep mistrust as if they won’t make it through and out of the intense pain they are purging, or as if it is just happening for no reason and because God doesn’t care – this is not true but can feel that way when we are in the process of digesting the core distortion or inversion perpetrated onto our bloodlines by dark forces.
Emergence of White Buffalo & Pocahontas Grail Lines of Sophia
The Indigo Pocahontas Grail Line directly linked to the Indigo Families is an Arcturian Indigenous Bloodline and its origin story, while not the Disney movie, is connected to Feminine Christ Energy where a Solar Sophia Feminine Christ being incarnated and began trying to rehabilitate the broken systems surrounding the protection of this Feminine Essence and teach the children the sacredness of who and what they are as Indigos.
She was protecting and teaching records of information in correlation with the Indigo Families and Spiritual Gifts and Knowledge. She came after White Buffalo who incarnated with her Beloved, White Navajo, into the Ruby Shamanic Grail Line to give hope and rituals of healing after draconian invasion and enslavement of the Aztara Blue Ray Pleiadian Natives that began the genetic hatred targeting process of all Starseeds and Christos Bloodlines.
I was seeing that there were Indigo Activations coming through her (Pocahontas) and White Buffalo recently.
The Indigos are here to break down dark systems and restore light systems for rehabilitation of extreme trauma incurred by many that incarnated and were here before and thus experienced the genocide and castration of their spiritual practices.
This is why child sexual abuse and sexual distortions, in general, are surfacing right now as we see sacral and sexual misery in a lot of the Indigo and Ruby Bloodlines due to the sexual exploitation of native children, the draconian boarding school agendas for satanic rituals and the fact that the elite mainly target children of color due to the genetic hatred that was brought here by them towards innocent, Christ beings that are here to bring love and healing to our planet.
We do have Sacral and Root Diamond Indigo and Ruby Templates restoring for the reintegration of spiritual gifts in correlation with the Masculine and Feminine Indigo and Ruby Christ Bloodlines.
Sexual and Sacral Healing is needed as the damaged Sacral is the most targeted area of the Lightbody in both Starseeds and Angelics so you may be feeling any sexual experiences or past miasma around sacral harvesting and root destabilizing that had to do with provision and stability in your life.
I do feel God is helping us to release poverty consciousness, how we receive provision directly from the Creator and that we are worthy to have all needs met for our mission and families.
The good thing is all the Pineal Activations coming in from the Indigo Activations as well. So much movement in the Pineal and Root for seeing and grounding into our purpose while trusting what we do see and feel is taking place alongside the purging that is needed to make space to hold this energy. The gifts here are so expansive and amazing and there is not much limit to the profound capabilities of those connected to these Grail Lines.
Figure 8 Golden Lattice Fields of Light with Lyran Healing Portals
I’m seeing the Golden Portals from Lyra that have these Figure 8 Golden Lattice structures as well that are opening and allowing us to be held for deep processing and releasing of any form of reptilian stronghold on our lives.
These are just opening at the crown and in front of our fields to help us assimilate and acclimate our bodies through the Solstice Portal and all Portals this year – remember, reptilian beings cannot go through portals as their bodies cannot handle the higher dimensional bandwidths and the anti-parasitic light technologies that just absolutely collapse any form of harvesting or parasitism towards others.
We source our energy from the Creator, therefore, we are allowed in Sacred Spaces and through these Protection and Initiation Portals while they are not, so we move father out of sight and father out of reach the more we align to God’s Will and the Portal Energy available to us now.
Nasty energies or beings are not allowed in Sacred Spaces or through Ascension Timeline Portals unless they chose to rehabilitate and stop the crimes against humanity. Of course, that’s up to them.
Through presence in our body and the presence of the Christ Light within, we organically flow with what is necessary for us as the individual through our own Ascension Map during times of high and low energy activations.
I am allowing this process through the Golden Lattice Portals with the Guardians to rebuild trust, inspiration and alignment to my highest timeline and expression to help others return back to the one living God Christ Sophia.
Forces trying to Break our Spirit and Confuse us
The last thing I want to mention is to remember that right now, we are evicting a fallen architecture from our Inner Source Codex that imposed itself onto us and is trying to break our spirit and get us collapsed by promoting every kind of evil and manufactured shortage imaginable.
This is our opportunity to rely on each other, to rely on God and find our own spiritual solutions to the problem/reaction/solution divide and conquer game the predator mind is trying to put us through to get us out of faith and unstable in our knowing of who we are, why we are here and that God is in control.
Please remember that this is what they’re throwing around right now and to look to God or within to find the sustainable solutions that are eternal and built on God’s Natural Law that is here to protect us. The more we align to it the more it can run God’s Intervention into our problems and help us shift and align to our highest timeline.
I hope this helps!
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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