Sophia Clearing Astral Debris Fields and Interfaced Superimposed Karma
When we come to this planet, we often take on bloodlines that need to be rehabilitated back to the source field. This includes taking on genetics and epigenetic karmic distortions that can be severe.
Some people will take on betrayal scenarios or violations and go through the ‘as above so below’ process of clearing that signature and cycle of energy and transmuting it through retrieving the codes of overcoming that specific frequency that’s stuck replaying and cycling. This can require that we face certain outer circumstances that trigger this core wound back into zero point and anchor a new timeline of experience for that bloodline and any beings connected to that specific genetic line which can be vast. It’s a profound service to God and humanity and requires immense initiation, spiritual maturity and reconciliation of many forms of outer and inner pathology and malevolence.
There is a certain field around the angelic wings, specifically the left wing connecting into the 7th chakra (crown) which is the royal lineage of our inner Sophia. The Inner Sophia (Holy Spirit) through the left wing can be unbelievably overlayed with crucifixion which feels like persecution and lots of outer intimidation around our desire to live fully resurrected through our Inner Female God Principle. This can feel like an unending crucible sometimes as it is the aspect of us that carries the cross. This overt, lifelong challenge has incredible gems of wisdom and power that come along with the deep understanding and willingness to work through our plight.
As we work through, God gives us miraculous solutions and incentives to keep going.
This is how we know this painful experience is a part of the path because these stuck archonic strongholds must be taken apart and then rebuilt on the true Christ Tree of Life Template, with the archonic infection purified and fully cleared. The crucifixion overlay around our feminine energy is at the core like the crucifixion of Jesus – it’s a threat however, even though they can threaten death on some level they can’t control the resurrection that comes after. This threat of death isn’t physical, but it’s a feeling that you will be pummelled mercilessly if you dare to live and embody this Solar Female Christ energy. The fallen consciousness may actually utilize the core wounding of the bloodline you’re rehabilitating against you by trying to constantly push back on your up-leveling. They will utilize their sentinels in whatever way they can to aggressively retaliate as you build the higher light quotient within the grids and liberate your assigned Grail Line.
After a while, these threats don’t matter because you have so many tools and wisdom to overcome them, but one thing we have to be careful of is anywhere we feel exhausted by the journey and the fight. This can subtly make us suppress or sacrifice our truth through self-censorship because we don’t want to experience the abuse or anger from those who don’t want us speaking it. We have to be mindful of very little compromise when it comes to holding this Sophianic Truth Field no matter what the response has been. It’s the ability to emanate the true essence of who we are without sacrifice, compromise or as little as necessary and that is what God is calling us forward to do. If we see ourselves start trying to live for others in the way of our self-expression, then on some level, we are allowing these persecution fields and responding to them with fawning. We want to appear as non-threatening as possible which actually appeases the lash-back but it also holds us down and keeps us locked into inauthentic relationships that are happy we are not saying or doing anything that would shake things up. We don’t want to appease those that are not truly for us. We want them to reveal where they truly stand and we do this by standing fully on our platform and our personal Tree of Life that is coded with our exact ascension process and what we are here to express and hold into the light fully.
As of right now, this crucifixion overlay within the left wing is beginning to really clear, so there’s light pressure from the Divine to make changes – some of them may be radical or even shocking to you. You may be getting guidance that you keep questioning because we are being moved out of this field where no matter how much we’ve wanted to be in our truth, we’ve been afraid and we’ve compromised. During this time, we’re letting go of anything we’ve built on a faulty foundation via aspects of us that didn’t feel safe to resurrect the Aqua Sophianic Light Field and Sophianic Template. Now that this new level of return is here, we’re asking what changes we need to make to embody it and express it so that our point of attraction is at a new set point. These radical transformation codes reset the Inner Sophia Template to emanate Sophia Source Light and Female Christ Energy for inner and outer healing. It can be very intense when we feel this level of change because what we’ve known no longer feels doable or stable. It can even feel unforgiving but these transitions are vital for our place in the new earth that is now.
There have been superimposed karmic overlays that have been interfacing with the crucifixion of the left-wing and crown chakra. I can see this has been coming through the astral realm since about 2020. So this is subconscious programming around very dense parasitic energy that has held us in purgatory around what we deserve, our worthiness and what we’ve allowed as well via this core self-esteem wounding. Our inner feminine has been exhausted from the rise from the ashes that required a lot of ego death and a lot of death of the false self and fallen feminine architecture. She needs lots of self-care and love right now within as this karma that is not truly ours but has been placed on our shoulders begins to lift. This will look like an infected wound clearing and we will be sealing out astral cording and karmic woundings they have tried to keep us cycling in. I can see the infection beginning to purify and lift all through the crown and wings and we can see indigo light clearing away karma that does not belong to us and is not our responsibility but we were guilted and shamed into carrying so that we would be slowed down and feels very heavy through our Inner Sophia Resurrection.
This clearing is profound and incredible but we may be pulled into the fields to look at this mess and support the burning away of this infection and seeing our Lightbody go through incredible layers and levels of repair will be so soothing. We will feel very held and then new light, ideas, creative flow, big changes will start to anchor and manifest as we allow this inorganic corrupted and outdated architecture to fall through the sands of time. We will see a lot of return in the wings and crown and really get to know this part of our Angelic Sophia Avatar.
I hope this helps!
(Watch the video that goes deeper into this topic here)

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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