Abortion and Moloch Grids, Planned Parenthood and Eugenics
Disclaimer: This will be a controversial post and I will cover some unpleasant topics
On this planet and in this area of our universe, is a deep need for learning psychic self-defence and how to spiritually protect and defend oneself. It’s not a place where life is held, protected and defended completely and it’s not a place where there is learned responsibility for one’s sexual energy, the ability to get someone pregnant and the ability to get pregnant.
The Sacral Chakra is the most targeted area of the Lightbody as it is where our sexual energy emanates and flows. If this area of our body has trauma or is compromised by belief systems that suppress it, it makes it an open target. When the power and sacredness of the ability to create or hold life are profoundly diminished in our society let alone explained to a child in some cases, there is usually a suppression or numbing out that occurs to the reality of that responsibility and what comes with sexual intercourse. Oftentimes, there is carelessness or simple ignorance in both parties around what could happen or when there is a young or unwanted pregnancy.
Compassion is very important around this topic as it’s a part of the predator mind and collective targeting to generate as many abortions or abused/neglected children as possible in order to feed the moloch tanks and grids (Saturnian blood cults) which harvest the life force from abortions and child abuse.
Since the sacral chakra is so exploited through subtle and overt forms of mind control and energy siphoning, there is a deep pain in all of us around disowning our sexual power and creative life force. Many of us have not had the guidance, support, or safety in sexual experiences to understand how to say no or protect ourselves. Sacred sexuality and the truth about its potential are so suppressed here that there’s a silent agreement towards carelessness or irresponsibly using it on some level.
It’s not about promoting victim consciousness or excuses, it’s just the reality here.
People may understand pregnancy on a basic level, but there are so many potential situations in which someone can get pregnant that it’s very hard to say, “Oh, just be accountable for your actions.” Yes, to most adults and situations, things can be avoided, it is their responsibility and abortion in response feels like the ultimate rejection of that spiritual and emotional growth in being fully accountable. Not everyone gets pregnant through a one-night stand or new relationship, some people experience it through traumatic and painful means and their trust in God providing for them and the baby keeps them going and they continue with the pregnancy, while others don’t see any possibility in having a baby and having enough resources and support and try to quick-fix it through abortion.
What I’m trying to convey is that there are so many variations of why abortion is chosen, and the deeper issue of the anti-life belief systems here that simply taking away abortion rights in certain states does not fix or truly heal or solve the issue of abortion. There is a much deeper issue than a left/right political ideology of forcing women to have babies they do not want and/or thinking abortion is a part of female empowerment and that there are no spiritual or emotional consequences or imprints held in the womb that affect a woman’s psyche after one…
Female empowerment for predator consciousness, in the more rare case that someone is raped or forcibly impregnated through abuse, abortion is a viable option that should be understood and afforded.
If we had safe foster care and adoption agencies that would be another option but they are far from safe as a lot of covert pedophiles and satanic ritual abuse occur in foster or adoptive homes and there is a whole syndicate of evil surrounding that situation. Therefore, if you’re going to take abortion rights away in many cases then why don’t you offer long terms solutions to these people and children beyond them keeping the baby? Take the predators out of CPS and the corrupt judges – there is so much surrounding this topic that is more of the deeper issue and the root issues beyond abortion that are not being looked at and not politically important to the left vs right narrative to keep people distracted and in a frenzy.
I am pro-life as a whole always (I don’t believe in controlling free will), not in a religious way or a forced way either, but I see all sides of this issue and it’s not black and white basically meaning that I would love for the draconian force and fallen beings who love moloch and who broadcast the promotion of desecration of the womb and sacral to be evicted so that we can heal from needing abortion and thinking it’s a part of female empowerment when it’s really a response to the way our society is set up and the matrix systems that hate humans on a genetic level and seek to destroy them for fun like they’re cattle. I would love for that fact to be seen and understood by all and then the collective choice to end any form of baby, womb, fetus, sacral trauma and harvesting as a whole.
I believe that the states choosing their own abortion laws is actually intentional and more for the left/right division that is leading to a bigger plan playing out through space force and our military right now that many people are unaware of.
The human mind/body has been conditioned to accept and adapt to all sorts of unpleasant circumstances and has done what’s been available to them or what they’ve been programmed to do out of fear. The sad truth is that we’re waking up out of confusion around these topics and seeing that either taking them away without long-term solutions for the mother and child involved or promoting them and going to the extreme and feeding the moloch grids are both ridiculously unhelpful and will continue the cycle of pain and trauma regardless.
Let’s pray for the solution of the sanctity of life to be upheld and anti-life systems to be seen for what they are and uprooted so that we may protect the innocent and have real solutions in place for them so that if we are pro-life we are actually ready to take care of the children here and know that they won’t be placed into the hands of predators.
There is also the issue of when a child or being experiences abuse, neglect and trauma, does it mean they should not be born or that there was not a higher plan for that soul here to experience a life like that for now? Is it better for them to have a terrible life or not come and experience life here at all?
I would say the sad truth is that deep down, many people are too afraid to have children because of the way that this world is. I think there is a subconscious block around the spiritual maturity of being a parent and what it requires, and many do not have the desire to go through it so they will not allow their own vessel to be used for another being to get here and that’s a part of the agenda as well – blocking higher souls from a viable womb.
Until the deeper root cause of abortion is looked at and processed through the collective, there is only hope that life can be reclaimed as sacred and protected here and that the many issues we face surrounding death culture can be seen and broken down.
Responding to this (Roe vs Wade being overturned) as a loss for women or a win for anti-abortion groups is just so off-kilter if you see the agenda behind it all.
How can it be a win or a loss if child trafficking is a booming billion-dollar business and abortion clinics were set up with moloch tanks and Saturnian blood cults divvying out the supply of misery and pain that comes from the child-mother bond being devastated through the womb?
Extremes are not helping women and children at all. The only thing that will stop this is a collective and personal change of heart within all of us and real long-term solutions that come with the full disclosure of who’s really been running this planet and who is behind planned parenthood – once that is digested then we will stop making choices out of mind control, ignorance and fear.
The last thing I want to say is that planned parenthood was/is founded on eugenics and used to target black communities for a consented Holocaust – it was founded by a white supremacist named Margaret Sanger who openly hated African Americans with a passion and its truly disturbing when you look at the foundational intentions behind it. Eugenics is based on the targeting of certain melanated genomes and DNA, it’s called genetic hatred and it does exist in elite circles – they’re the ones who got the idea of genetic superiority from a certain group of extraterrestrials. They believe they are superior and look at all Christos Bloodlines and darker skin tone beings (Syrians/Lyrans/Pleiadians as many Starseed beings have more melanin) as disposable.
That is very hard to talk about because I know I will be attacked for saying things like this but I really don’t care. What I’m saying is that these places are not what they seem to be at all and sadly, there is a war on these bloodlines and there has been for a very long time if you look at history. Even though we are not given the true full history there is enough to know that human slavery and genocide have been ongoing and very specifically manufactured.
Please seek to understand what’s deeper underneath what we’re being told and shown.
Also know that there is incredible, massive change on the horizon that involves the resurrection of these sacred bloodlines and full restoration from these wounds.
This post is not about fear, it’s about digesting the unpleasant truths behind these smoke and mirror agendas and emotional trigger events they love sending out through the mainstream media mafia cults. Not allowing yourself to be emotionally swayed or brought into their psychosis but simply acknowledge the problem/reaction/solution Hegelian Dialectic behind this Roe v Wade psyop.
I hope this helps
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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