The Truth Beyond the Deceptions and False Timelines
In this Update:
Trump False Light Order vs Cabal Satanists
What’s happening on the timeline right now
The truth beyond the deceptions and false timelines

This is the truth Aeleo (my Divine Masculine Counterpart) has mapped out over the last 2 years.
I was able to succinctly write it out so that as a whole, we could show clearly our stance and set the record straight for the truth we have been guided to share confidently for the last few years.
The Creator, Guardians, Galactic Teams and Light-workers on the ground have helped us arrange all of this information to hopefully wake people up to the real truth regarding this entire Q and satanists timeline war.
Disclaimer: We are not pro-Trump / pro Qanon / pro false light order, but we want to give clarity on what is truly happening behind the scenes regarding the future of the False Saviour Timeline that is very real and doing its part to take down the satanists.
We are not political and do not resonate with the Hegelian Dialectic of the war between demoncrats and conservatives. Both sides are controlled. Both sides play into occultism in the false battle between light/dark that does not represent God / Christ/ Sophia / the Divine Plan fully, although is not necessarily completely devoid of those true virtues and values. Some political people are trying their best and truly working from their heart as God has placed them where they are for a reason.

I want to start by saying that we are profoundly grateful that the SRA networks and underground pedo adrenochrome networks are being dismantled at this time. Thank you GOD.
We are very grateful for voices like Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and the very devoted Christians that do back Donald Trump regardless of the fact that they may be ignorant to who and what role he is truly playing. No, Donald Trump is not working for the cabal secretly, or for a certain political party. His consciousness and purpose are working outside of this two-party system.
Qanon is a white hat operation that goes back to the time of JFK. Dark to light is the signature that is used to symbolize all that is hidden coming up to the surface for us to fully witness and awaken us to the demonic, anti-human agenda/deception that infiltrated our world and government long ago.
The satanists would never, ever back an operation for any reason that involves putting them on blast, revealing who they are and what they do. They are vehemently against any kind of disclosure whatsoever! They fight tooth and nail to censor the truth or go into immediate character assassination, targeting, pummelling and dark attack on anyone who has any level of influence to dare call their shit out. These beings that are linked in to both sides of the government but dominantly demoncrat come from the Orion Star System. They are called the Black Sun Brotherhood (the draconians). They are the ones who have ripped black holes in our universe and invited a multitude of demonic races into work for and with them in the harvesting and perpetual torture and misery of humanity that they have been inflicting for thousands of years. Obviously, they’re working with the humans that they placed in power positions in our government that are the really evil ones who do the unforgivable acts of evil against children.
We are at a fever pitch here right now as we have another race (annunaki) that is working with the great white brotherhood, galactic federation of light, Saint Germain, Metatron, and Pleiadians that have turned on their ascension and now all of them work for a group of E.Ts (annunaki) that use technology and false light (love/light) to hijack the awakening community by bringing them truth mixed with lies and shining the light on the dark side of the equation here.
This is the force that backs Qanon, however, this does not mean everyone in the Q movement understands this or wants this. This is the higher intelligence that is in communication with certain white hat government groups that started this mission on the ground to spread highly triggering info to awaken everyone as fast as possible. They can even disguise themselves as spirit guides/ angels/ ascended masters and so on. Donald Trump knows and is in contact with this race. Trust me when I tell you, someone like Trump has access to high clearance info that we’re not accustomed to getting. These beings are protecting him and have chosen him as the “false messiah” of humanity. He was approached by a group in the military who began this process of wanting to take down the cabal because of their good hearts and desire to help humanity. So again, many good-hearted and well-intentioned people behind this who are backing trump and the whole election being stolen is a military operation – they have everything they need to bring this all down.
They’re not doing it yet because they need things to get really bad here. They need more people to wake up and realize that something is wrong. They need us to get to a place where we’re begging and pleading for help to be saved. If we’re not in that state with the satanists tyrannically trying to control every aspect of our lives then how can we be “saved”? This is the false messiah, the false saviours of humanity that will be bringing back technologies, fixing our atmosphere, diseases, poverty and ending “evil” so to speak. This is why full E.T disclosure is imminent. The satanists are literally being forced to slowly disclose this info – they are not in power anymore in the way they once were, they lost 4 years to trump and the awakening we’ve all been doing and are playing catch up. Hence why kohvidd and all the passports are being pushed so hard and so fast and it all is so heavy and dense. They’re running full-time black magic, full-time deceptions, false flags, you name it they’re doing it because they’re losing their food supply and are aware that they can’t stop our awakening but only try and slow it down until they lose everything.
This is ordained by God regardless of the (false light/dark) two sides of the coin war we have occurring, the awakening was set in motion
If both these races are surviving on the control of humanity, one through false light and controlling ascension by returning to be worshiped as saviours/ gods/ messiah. They’ve been prepping this since they started giving us false channelings, watered-down spiritual teachings, inorganic geometries like the false flower of life (aka daisy of death), sticky white light concepts like false Christ consciousness and reiki. It’s a whole mess from the phantom matrix that is actually best the astral realm that just targets awakening starseeds and angels for a false spiritual awakening and spiritual superiority complex.
This is all their signature when we see the egoic distortion of so-called spiritual leaders, spiritual materialism and the highly predatorial synthetic marketing and channeling they do in order to harvest people for these higher up, false light beings (GFOL) that exist in the reversal 5D – a place where many are trapped and seduced into during their “awakening” that obviously is not really real. They aren’t truly initiating but playing “God” by taking power they never earned nor deserve by the influence of these false alien gods who are giving them power in return for spreading their distorted spiritual info – Aeleo calls this being “spiritually bankrupt “.
Since they’ve been able to hook so many people from false light, well, we’re all waking up to false light, right?
We become more intelligent as we evolve and so do they. They know how to learn from our ability to see through them to become more believable. This is why Qanon claims God and Christ but was not created at the highest level with that purity in mind. Luckily, it is allowed as it is in God’s Divine Plan to end the first beast system which is the satanic reign on our planet. This is one dark system moving into a false light system that will appear to be the takedown of evil and a Nesara/ Gesara debt forgiveness jubilee that will allow for the celebration and liberation of humanity from the most evil force imaginable.
However, the beings that will become the saviours of humanity are also not on the organic ascension timeline and are not sourcing to God. They have been feeding on us in countless other ways and will be utilizing A.I and other technologies to get us to believe in their god-like power. Many will worship them, many will believe that they are the real deal Christ-like return who have saved us because they will show us all the evil and the secrets of the cabal. It is all dark to light… this will all play out within the next few years. They will “save us” at the last moment, hence why the vaxzscene passport is not our future at all, it’s a desperate coercion that is about now to maybe a year… things are heating up, trump and the white hats will continue this sting operation.
It wasn’t all for nothing like some people believe as many who preached trump and Q are jumping ship seeing that trump is truly supporting the vaxzscene. Yes, he is supporting it and this side knows there will be casualties.
The satanists are desperate enough to let anyone take it even if it means mass depopulation to the people that support them. It’s not all about death; it’s also about controlling the soul and mind and hoping that if enough people take it they will somehow keep the satanists in power by warring for them. By making it very hard for the other side to win humanity over, especially the brainwashed ones. I hope that makes sense. They know that there will be casualties, but not all the vaxzscenez are killshots, some are 100 percent placebo. There’s a lot to this like we’ve said, not everything is just “out there” right now, a lot will be revealed. I would say the vaxzscenez are 65 percent killshot/ mind control beast algorithm (which kohvydd happens to also work through) and the others are not as bad. This is a part of what they feel Is necessary…. it will all be revealed soon. Right now it is perplexing as to why Donald Trump supports it but he is not who he seems to be I guess. It’s just that he’s playing a huge role and everything he does he does as if he’s playing a higher dimensional chess. He doesn’t say this vacks thing on accident, trust me.
It’s disturbing because there is something not right about it all…something behind him and this that is starting to rub people who supported him the wrong way. They’re starting to sense a deeper deception and that’s what it is ultimately, although it will do a lot of good, much more good than what we have now. It will eventually lead to a very A.I smart city, false messiah deception that is another false timeline but the True Organic Timeline is the one that most of us are actually on as we are seeing this deception. Me and Aeleo have been talking in-depth about this for years now and have all the details in our videos. Many spiritual teachers are still pushing the Q narrative as totally divine and others are jumping ship now. Me and Aeleo have said all of them from the beginning and will continue to update you guys on all of it. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Vacks passport won’t succeed for long, this is all a divide that is purposeful and this idea that the satanists are just winning and doing this is definitely not what’s happening fully, although it still is happening because they still have support and that will be changing as many are awakening now as it gets worse.
There’s another force into control, Donald Trump is just getting started around it all. This side is going to start making more moves. I promise big things are in store.
Once the satanists fall, the false light saviours will assume the throne and God will breathe life into his true people as we work together to build his authentic kingdom.
We will be doing a live soon to get into more details. (We are happy to do interviews and lives as well for anyone who wants to talk to us about this or is open and curious.)
We want the truth to be known, it’s not about bashing anyone. We’re in a community with a lot of powerful, incredible people who are also just trying to find God in all of this. We know this journey has been so intense. We hope to be able to share this message with more people.
As always, we hope this supports you in your highest empowerment and timeline.
All glory to God.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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