I am a mother to an 8 (almost 9) year-old daughter named Shiloh. As a mother, I am imperfect and I fall short of the title Holy Mother. I do my best and I try my hardest to follow God’s lead on having the privilege of raising this being that was created by the Source of All Creation. I know it is a privilege and a temporary role that I am meant to embody here. I also know that God has trusted me with this role and God sees me as capable – as hard as it can be.
I was pregnant at 22 and had my daughter at 23. In my family line, on my mother’s side, it was common to get pregnant very early in life and even though I tried my best not to, it ended up happening because it was simply a part of my destiny to steward and house such a light being for the betterment of our Earth at the time it happened. The person who got me pregnant (who I allowed to get me pregnant) truly wanted nothing to do with it, I never received any support and was even bullied into an abortion which I went forth with – I was pregnant with twins, one survived one did not. So, technically, my daughter was one of the twins that survived a pill-induced abortion. After the abortion, I thought it was over, and yes, I saw the small fetus of the one who I miscarried only to be shocked 4 months later when my uterus was swelling, I was feeling vibrations and movement even though I had been celibate since before the abortion. To say I was shocked was an understatement. Through pressure from the person who got me pregnant when I told him I was still pregnant, I even scheduled a surgical second-trimester abortion out of fear that I would have no support (and I still wanted his love) but the morning it was scheduled my entire body froze and I heard an audible voice in my heart just say “No. If you do this neither of you will make it.”
I truly believe this was the voice of the Holy Spirit because it filled me with a holy fear and a holy courage to tell him I wasn’t going even though I knew it meant the end of our connection which I desperately wanted to keep. So there I was, no high school diploma, no money, no idea of my talents or gifts or how I would survive with a baby. I was genuinely at a loss. I ended up at the welfare office collecting food stamps and other free services from the government alone, pregnant and living with my mom and her boyfriend at 23. While at the office, a guy struck up a conversation with me and asked me about my situation. I explained it to him and that there would be no father or support and he told me something that changed my life. He told me the Holy Father would be the father to the baby and that the Holy Father will take the place of the physical father and take care of me and the baby until he brought me a husband and someone to love her as well. I cried and knew it was an angel speaking through him because I truly was at a loss with how my life would play out or how on Earth I would care for a baby when I felt so lost myself. He used scripture from the Bible to show me God’s Promise around single mothers and I left feeling more courage to continue the journey.
Months later, I gave birth and named her Shiloh Isabella.
The almost nine-year journey since then has been both an unbelievable and intense one. A lot of joy and a lot of hard moments as well. 5 years ago, God brought me someone to love us and lead us through the true Christ Heart of the Masculine. A true father and hero.
Over time as my awareness grew, I started deeply investigating my own mother hunger. My own childhood and the revelations that poured through were immense. Religion and internalized misogyny were a huge part of my childhood and my mom’s childhood, we both were given loads of miasma and dark mother to work through. My mom was a single mom with 4 kids and truly did the best she could with what she inherited through her mother, which was the same Yahweh dark father religious programming that utterly decimates the inner innocence/inner Sophia Template – and not to mention my grandma had been left by my grandpa who she had 12 kids with for a 17-year-old girl. After she (my grandmother) had given him 12 kids he left with the 17-year-old and his life savings were given to her and not my grandma when he passed from cancer. So this wound of utter betrayal and abandonment mixed with hardcore religion made my grandma self-loathing of her inner feminine and very destructive towards the feminine in my mother. I want to mention that my grandmother also had amazing qualities, she was an artist who made incredible pieces of art for us all and none of this is to cast blame or shame on her, it’s just to bring light to the ins and outs of being a woman on planet Earth that also happened to be a mother who had severe trauma from her own childhood and men and how she didn’t have the tools like I do to cope, process or handle it. I love my grandma deeply and I also see the alcoholic abuse and mental instability she faced that made her act out in ways that harmed my mother and how that translated into me and potentially Shiloh, my daughter.
There’s a line of deep hurt, pain, and trauma drama that was unknowingly passed through epigenetically which me and my mother bared immensely. My grandmother’s story is a painful one that deserves so much compassion and empathy, same with my mother and me/ Shiloh. I started to pick up on the shadow of the wounded feminine in our lineage and shared these things with my mom who was very receptive and we worked out some major shadow aspects together because we both desired to heal and overcome.
My style and template around being a mother happens to be very relaxed. Very few rules, a lot of freedom and full self-expression are always promoted. No strong restrictions besides harmful, dangerous or truly unsafe things with the higher spiritual awareness of evil/anti-Christ on our planet that seeks to harm the innocent and targets children. I know I’m the ultimate trigger for parents who are strict or have tons of rules. I don’t believe in control or super sheltered ways of parenting, but I am in no way saying that that may not be right for some or how they need to manage their children. I’m not raising a human child necessarily, although I honor her humanness and innocence, I am raising an ancient soul who is very independent, eccentric and expressive in a child’s body who needs both direction and love. I see this and so I act according to my instinct which tells me to be very lax on rules and understand the level of light coming through this being who I do not seek to control, only to protect. I am amazed at how much this way of parenting has served our child. She listens, has no behavioural issues, and does incredible in school, overall the only things I’ve seen that could be a result of fewer rules may be not cleaning her room when we tell her to, not brushing her teeth enough when we try to get her into the habit, desire for or asking for more sweets than is healthy and quick to anger and mature language. I can be honest, I have nothing to hide and I’m not perfect. This way of parenting has its downfalls but where I fall short, Aeleo seems to make up for it in his fatherly tendencies. Being super strict also has its downfalls. We are all going by what’s in our hearts as parents and I try to be very careful in my judgment around those that are very restrictive because it’s hard for me to understand while I know I may be hard for them to understand.
Something I’ve realized about the role of the Mother is that it’s a sacred position on Earth and it’s an energetic blueprint that can be embodied or it can be inverted by dark mother from trauma. The sorority of Holy Mother Sophia is severely targeted and hated here by antichrist forces.
DISCLAIMER: I am going to breach some very painful topics at this point so if you don’t want to keep reading go ahead and leave this post as these topics are vital and important while immensely painful and hard to digest for many.
One of the booming industries on our planet is child p/ and child trafficking. Form what the Guardians have told me, the cartels work for the CIA and military industrial complex in order to traffic children that are unprotected from poverty stricken areas and they are paid to bring these children across the border and deliver them to the elites who then brutalize these children beyond comprehension via their own demonic fetishes and satanic snuff rings. This kind of harm caused to our children reverberates into the world around us. Into the grids, into the heart of every mother. The deep severing and intended destruction of the mother/child bond is beyond comprehension. They do these things to shatter the hearts of all others and drive a knife right into the heart of Jesus. God is present with all things, the Christ is present with all things, so you can imagine that God feels all of it. It’s their way, in their eyes, of hurting and warring with God and gaining black magic blood ritual money and power in our governmental and Hollywood structures. Demons empower those who give the blood sacrifice of children with material power. The sexual trauma of a child and the utter devastation of their innocence is felt by all whose heart is connected to the heart of Christ Sophia. When we are in tune with God, we are in tune with the atrocities against God and the sacred. When we are stuck in the new age, false light ascension matrix we bypass this kind of evil and make excuses for it and/or spirituality bypass it because we can’t actually handle it as our living reality. The bond of the mother/child suffers immensely because of fallen beings that seek to war with our Creator and hold a position of false authority over us.
This is why being a mother is such a sacred proposition.
We are holding innocence, stewarding innocence and upholding a sacred covenant with God to protect and help that child grow into a being who loves God, others and themselves.
Unfortunately, this demonic war over mother/father/child bonds is a part of the ugliest and most atrocious aspects of our spiritual fight here. The wonderful and incredible thing about this awareness is that all innocence will return to God and be healed by the heart of the Mother no matter the horrific trauma. We are meant to be like vessels of this Holy Mother heart-based love for our children. We are meant to embody the Holy Mother to the best of our ability through the qualities of the Aqua Crystal Sacred Heart of Sophia.
We will all fall short of this perfect embodiment and many of us did not receive our biological mothers as the representative of the Holy Mother because due to their own trauma, it was not possible for them to engender this codex for us. It is our job to forgive our mothers and seek to hold the Aqua Crystal Blue Heart of the Sophia by deeply healing our own trauma drama and female pain body traumas that we had to contend with. We are all contending with spiritual malevolence to some degree or another but some choose to ignore that and stay ignorant. We have learned not to look to our human mothers or grandmothers as embodiments of the Holy Mother if they were incapable of giving us this wellspring of love and feminine light that they themselves may have never received. This is why, instead of looking to our biological mothers to hold this for us we go directly to the Godhead Mother Arc for our Holy Mother Love, sustenance and guidance. Sometimes, the human mother simply cannot be that or hold that to the extent that we would feel fulfilled, so we must go beyond and look beyond her and to the direct source of our Holy Spirit, the Holy Mother in Heaven. Then, our work is how do we embody the Holy Mother and become conduits for her love to our children? How do we do better? How do we fulfill our mission to heal the mother/child bond and clear these dark mother, lunar, Lilith distortions that influence us to take out our own pain body and project it into our daughters or sons?
In healing this bond we deeply protect and seal our children in safety and dignity.
This is not an easy job and like I said, we will all fall short in ways but when we forgive our mothers and see the ways that they could not hold this spirit we bring the light into the shadow and pain body of our collective, severed mother/child bond unification. We can only do our best in these bodies on a fallen planet but even trying or making it important is succeeding. We no longer want to be vessels for the shadow pain body of unprocessed anti-Sophia templating.
This is our mission. To truly love our children as the Holy Mother would and to be this representative of God’s love to them in the ways that we are guided. When we mess up we can always seek to do better and also have compassion on our inability to be perfect. One major antidote to the anti-Christ child trafficking crisis here is the true Holy Mother embodied to the best of our ability collectively. This is a powerful feminine spirit that defends innocence and makes it much harder for the demonic predator spirit to cause harm. Ultimately, it’s not up to us when child harm ends fully but it’s a step towards that heaven on earth ideal. We don’t fully understand or know the reason these child souls are in these places but I can tell you from my own spiritual understanding that it’s a result of the thousands of years of manipulation, mind control and abuse that is sourced in laws of consent. Meaning because many won’t look at it or care or say no it is allowed to continue. God allows things for reasons we can’t always understand but it is not God’s fault that it is occurring, it is humanity’s responsibility because they are all of our children. Not that we take all the blame because we were very much intruded/invaded upon in or natural ascension cycle long ago. Somehow, someway we let this in and we must heal and clear this infection. As I said, the number one antidote is embodying the Holy Mother and utilizing this spirit towards all children we come into contact with.
When it comes to healing and clearing dark mother from our Inner Sophianic Template we must remember that our shadows and collective pain as women needs to be understood, processed and dealt with. Fallen feminine and fallen goddess influences must be rebuked. Anywhere that we are rejecting our own innocence or internalizing misogyny needs to be dealt with in a loving and present manner. The dark mother aspect I’m referring to is literally a fallen alien ‘mother’ consciousness, not just darkness that needs to be integrated or core wounds. I’m talking about our own self-hatred and parts of us that associate femininity with un-safety subconsciously. Parts of us that use darkness to feel powerful or parts of us that have been abused so we pass that abuse onto the innocence in others. I don’t think many of us do this consciously or are even doing it on that level but it’s something that needs to be fully addressed so that we know that our children are getting the best of us and that we are inhabiting the spirit of healing the mother/child bond and not adding to the destruction of it. I can feel we are in this process of our most deepest mother wounds surfacing so that we can cut off anti-life beings from continuing these cycles of pain between us and our children. As we deal with our mother wounds, mother hunger and mother deficiencies and reclaim our connection to the Holy Mother we will see so much pain and confusion drop off. So much healing and forgiveness take its place and the ability to bring the light and love to all in our sphere because it is so much more powerful than what the darkness can do. We can hold as many children in our hearts as possible. Including and most importantly the children that have come through us to bring their light and mission to this planet. We don’t want to be a hindrance or continue the cycles. We want to break them. We show our children that we love ourselves and we pass this template of self/God/other love to them that they may become beacons of light for the new generation.
This is what we can offer and like I said, we are humans regenerating angelic DNA and architecture through the Living Tree of Life and Christ Sophia Template. The theme over this month is addressing and healing mother wounding to seal out cycles of pain and abuse and internalized misogyny. Receiving the love and forgiveness of our true Holy Mother and restoring this bond on earth.
We are running massive corrections on the mutations of what the witches and psychopathic predators have created here through the resurrection of our own Sophianic Template which is a massive Blue Plasma Rose Flower. When this template is restored, incredible feminine power is reinstated and reinforced by the Light of the Feminine Christ into our own hearts and our children. These corrections are intense and hard and it’s a journey so we can’t be impatient or expect to be the perfect mother right now. We can listen to the voice of God and lead in the best way possible through diligent work and dedication to this mission of protecting children and restoring the right of children to live freely and happily forever and ever. This is the Aqua Staff of the Mother Sophia that we will place this into the Earth and let these demons know “thou shall not pass.”
I hope to bring this light, love, freedom of expression and power to my daughter by healing the witch wound, healing the targeting, the suppression, the anti-Sophia hatred and rising up from the ashes to say, men, women and children live here in the sovereignty of our Creator. We are allowed to be women, we are allowed to be what God intended us to be. I take my mother wound very seriously as I know my mother takes hers. All have fallen short but it’s time for redemption. The beginning of a new way of the Feminine Christ is here. We can feel it. We have been torn apart in our Sophia Template and are working our asses off to run correction and realign the Sophia back to Christ through the planetary Lightbody.
My daughter will not suffer the pains I suffered but I honor that she came here with her own templating, soul growth and challenges to overcome and I will try to give her the flowing love of the Holy Mother that says you are allowed to be you and what you are without compromise and the freedom to be held by Christ and the True Masculine in your vulnerable innocence.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
1 Comment
Iliane on November 8, 2024 at 11:18 pm
This is absolutely beautiful and painful to read. I resonate so much. Thank-you Emily for sharing this. As a single mother to a 16 year old daughter who embodies so much light.. I have tried to protect it in many ways, wether in distorted fields or the ways of God. Right now I’m in a place where all I can do is try my hardest to protect her innocence while also repareting myself and heal. It’s a long journey but I know it will be worth it in the end. Thank-you so much Emily. I hope to work with you soon.
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This is absolutely beautiful and painful to read. I resonate so much. Thank-you Emily for sharing this. As a single mother to a 16 year old daughter who embodies so much light.. I have tried to protect it in many ways, wether in distorted fields or the ways of God. Right now I’m in a place where all I can do is try my hardest to protect her innocence while also repareting myself and heal. It’s a long journey but I know it will be worth it in the end. Thank-you so much Emily. I hope to work with you soon.