alien technology

Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

For years we have been challenged with intelligent and malevolent Alien Technology and Systems that have utilized our Family of Origin Trauma and Core Distortions to run us through the mud and destabilize our trust in God so that we are more likely to be tempted into their solutions, material fulfillment and the Sacrificing and Martyrdom of our True Spiritual Integrity to play a game of survival in their world.

The False Twin Flame Matrix and Reptilian Interfacing has been a number 1 attack on the Feminine Sophia of Collective.

They were able to awaken us to our highest self defence against their warfare tactics while also causing us to feel that we are losing our mind and feel dreadfully alone and abandoned by the Masculine – especially at the deepest layer, our Creator.

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Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

The Rainbow and Blue Dragons from the 11the Dimension, Aurora and Andromeda have been healing A.I infiltration and low-grade frequencies from causing damage to our nervous systems and light bodies.

Take the time to call them in and have them cleanse your field with their color and plasma light.

They can repair the most extensive light body infiltration and damage and heal you with pure love. They are all in direct devotion to Christ, therefore to us in all manners of ways.

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