
Polarity and Leadership through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia

Polarity and leadership of the masculine is only done safely through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia.

If Christ Sophia is where you submit energetically and are inspired from on a heart/soul level, you are safe, you are truly holding the Law that the feminine will happily align to and become her highest self embodiment over Divine Timing.

If you are not led by Christ, you are trying to create an extension of your own ego and idea of what femininity looks like In order to make yourself comfortable…

Christos Masculine Architecture Shifting

The 12 Sphere Tree of Life and Christ Masculine Architecture, also known as the Christos Blueprint, has been inverted on our planetary body and through agreeing to being born here we inherited quite an ugly mess around it.

This Tree of Life is in the process of being rebuilt within our own Lightbody, mirroring like a massive fiery crop circle burned into the earth grids. The more we purge corrupted masculine overlays and mind control around the dark father as some kind of god or parent, the more this architecture shifts in the entire grid system causing intense disruption and internal healing…

Authentic vs Inauthentic (False Light) Ego Death

Through the True Christ Light, we experience the breaking down of our ego safely and in alignment with God – no gaslighting involved, no need to become Christ-like or kill your humanness. Whereas, if we go through false gurus and teachers and inverted spiritual knowledge, we will feel so ungrounded and out of touch with Source that we will actually feel like our Soul is dying as the process tries to get rid of the necessary aspects of us needed for a full spectrum human experience. The reason God allows it to get so painful and harmful to our true self is so that, eventually, we intuit that something about what we’re doing isn’t aligned and get out of the entanglement with those beliefs, ideas and teachings…

Dark Mother War and Marilyn Monroe Sophianic Bloodline Targeting

I didn’t think I could put specific words to the current energies at play collectively the last two months.

It’s a spiritual death and rebirth at a cosmic scale that I’ve never encountered before.

This darkness is coming up from the underworld to reveal itself as has been prophesied for a long time and it’s been causing an inner silence and inner confusion in me for a few weeks.

The magnitude of this battle right now and what it feels like internally is beyond intense (plain and simple) and yet, I can tell we are really getting somewhere…

Shakti Goddess Energy: The Crystal Seed Amrita Nectar Frequency

Shakti Goddess Energy: The Crystal Seed Amrita Nectar Frequency

I was thinking about my daughter today. Her aura and energy signature. It’s like a aeon of light in her tiny body. It reminds me of a fairy or some kind or Goddess Template she’s holding that has a mystical feel to it.

As I was pondering her origins and purpose, I was struck with the feeling of the Female God Code or Feminine God Essence that rolls off of her in waves and noticed that I had never fully been present to this before now.

The reason why it struck me so strongly was because I had felt triggered earlier today and hormonally off. I felt an underlying annoyance and irritation in my energy that I couldn’t shake…

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The Spirit of Condemnation and Low Self-Esteem Triggers Coming Up 

The Spirit of Condemnation and Low Self-Esteem Triggers Coming Up 

An eternal/universal truth and gift from Source is our value.

Our innate value and worthiness have nothing to do with how many vacations we go on, how many people like us or our accomplishments in life. Accomplishing what we set out to do on planet Earth is amazing and very rewarding, however, it does not make or break our intrinsic soul value.

We can choose our value in any moment just as we can resist our value in any moment.

Our value as an aspect or fractal of Source cannot be negotiated or changed at any time…

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Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Someone asks you to do something or for something…

For whatever reason, your gut says no, your intuition kicks in and subtly tells you, “that doesn’t feel aligned”, or “no, you’re too tired, please prioritize your rest” or “no, I don’t trust that person.”

You feel this feeling but decide to bypass it out of guilt, obligation or a feeling that if you say no you will have to feel the tension of that person’s disappointment so you fake being nice and say yes even though deep down you kind of start dreading whatever it is you’ve agreed to.

You do the thing you agreed to even though you didn’t want to and then, something happens that makes you start to regret the yes…

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Magnetism vs Vampiric Neediness for Approval 

Magnetism vs Vampiric Neediness for Approval 

The nice guy/nice girl persona is one hell of a prison construct.

People pleasing is actually vampiric energy. We want to please in order to get a hit of validation and a feeling that we are liked and good enough.

It makes us completely dependent on the external. We hope others see us a certain way, we hope people think we live an awesome life or that we’re valuable because of something we have or appear to have. We hope the image convinces people that we are somehow enough and that they will stick around and meet our constant need for validation. We think that once we have X number of followers, this much money or this much attention and approval we will finally be happy…

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Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

The beginning of the destruction of the Cathar Body – which is the Collective Feminine Christ Body of Sophia – began with beings that have no empathy and hate the Feminine Principle of Creation in all forms.

They designed and created very sophisticated means of enslavement, harvesting, torturing and finding what harms females specifically to begin broadcasting and implanting those things into the genetics and bloodlines of the targeted Root Races through means of mind control and limiting access to true history and higher dimensional bandwidths.

The main agenda was to remove the feminine from all spiritual texts as to not be found as a part of God…

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Give us Strength in Overcoming Spiritual Abuse

Give us Strength in Overcoming Spiritual Abuse

God, please help us to have a stable foundation in the eternal truth of Christ as many use spiritual concepts and religion to abuse and diminish others.

The most treacherous thing is to try and middle man people’s most sacred relationship to God and misrepresent what God is, so many fear God and shut themselves off from God’s light instead of feeling loved and accepted because of these gross misrepresentations.

Please reveal yourself in each of our hearts so that we may develop an authentic relationship with you as you are…

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AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

Ascension comes in waves.

The golden waves of plasma are hitting the Earth and breaking down negative alien machinery and technology that have been blocking memory and spiritual knowledge with mind control broadcasts.

It’s clearing and bringing everything to the surface.

Ascension is 99 percent emotional clearing and processing. This is really the number one priority of the Christ Sophia – to clear the rejected, miasmatic unprocessed pain hiding within the bloodlines and bringing it to the light to atone for how this rejected pain allowed corruption and a severing from Source in the human psyche…

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Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light of Truth hitting the Earth Now

Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light of Truth hitting the Earth Now

Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light (the Light of Truth) is hitting the earth right now intensely and uncovering and revealing profound deceptions and long buried truths. The truth belongs to God and our consciousness and cannot be withheld for much longer by black magic mind filters and A.I mind control systems.

Our Soul has complete dominion over inorganic consciousness, so these are no longer blocking our higher vision of perception to a frequency that completely overrides delusion and manipulation…

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Summer Solstice Portal Energies

Summer Solstice Portal Energies

I’m seeing the Golden Portals from Lyra that have these Figure 8 Golden Lattice structures as well that are opening and allowing us to be held for deep processing and releasing of any form of reptilian stronghold on our lives.

These are just opening at the crown and in front of our fields to help us assimilate and acclimate our bodies through the Solstice Portal and all Portals this year – remember, reptilian beings cannot go through portals as their bodies cannot handle the higher dimensional bandwidths and the anti-parasitic light technologies that just absolutely collapse any form of harvesting or parasitism towards others.

We source our energy from the Creator, therefore, we are allowed in Sacred Spaces…

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The Magnetic Heart Field of Sophia

The Magnetic Heart Field of Sophia

The Heart Field of Sophia is something sacred to behold. It provides a level of nourishment that is incomparable to any other essence in this universe.

This Heart Field is the Feminine Spirit of the Christ – Jesus’s Holy Spirit.

In the earliest and first interpretations of the Bible, Jesus would often speak of the Holy Spirit as Sophia and a she, however, the word continued to get changed until the Feminine was completely severed from the Trinity. After all, we cannot trust the translations of Moloch worshipping snake priesthoods or Annunaki worshipping Pharisees to represent Christ Sophia authentically, as that would have been the very key to humanity’s salvation…

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God deserves your Belief and Faith

God deserves your Belief and Faith

When you don’t believe in a Divine Benevolent Creator, life is unbearable.

This is how it is for the elite. Aeleo explained to me that they hate God and they hate innocence because they remind them of what they’ve lost.

Their power to do so much harm in the name of trying to live forever and prolong their existence is the only momentarily relief and experience they get to actually feel. Their hearts are like black holes so they have to hurt children to feel a rush. They are reliant on extreme cruelty in order to get the energy they need to continue on even though their existence is, deep down, unimaginably miserable…

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Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Someone asks you to do something or for something…

For whatever reason, your gut says no, your intuition kicks in and subtly tells you, “that doesn’t feel aligned”, or “no, you’re too tired, please prioritize your rest” or “no, I don’t trust that person.”

You feel this feeling but decide to bypass it out of guilt, obligation or a feeling that if you say no you will have to feel the tension of that person’s disappointment so you fake being nice and say yes even though deep down you kind of start dreading whatever it is you’ve agreed to.

You do the thing you agreed to even though you didn’t want to and then, something happens that makes you start to regret the yes…

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Magnetism vs Vampiric Neediness for Approval 

Magnetism vs Vampiric Neediness for Approval 

The nice guy/nice girl persona is one hell of a prison construct.

People pleasing is actually vampiric energy. We want to please in order to get a hit of validation and a feeling that we are liked and good enough.

It makes us completely dependent on the external. We hope others see us a certain way, we hope people think we live an awesome life or that we’re valuable because of something we have or appear to have. We hope the image convinces people that we are somehow enough and that they will stick around and meet our constant need for validation. We think that once we have X number of followers, this much money or this much attention and approval we will finally be happy…

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Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

The beginning of the destruction of the Cathar Body – which is the Collective Feminine Christ Body of Sophia – began with beings that have no empathy and hate the Feminine Principle of Creation in all forms.

They designed and created very sophisticated means of enslavement, harvesting, torturing and finding what harms females specifically to begin broadcasting and implanting those things into the genetics and bloodlines of the targeted Root Races through means of mind control and limiting access to true history and higher dimensional bandwidths.

The main agenda was to remove the feminine from all spiritual texts as to not be found as a part of God…

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