Christos Masculine Architecture Shifting
The 12 Sphere Tree of Life and Christ Masculine Architecture, also known as the Christos Blueprint, has been inverted on our planetary body and through agreeing to being born here we inherited quite an ugly mess around it.
This Tree of Life is in the process of being rebuilt within our own Lightbody, mirroring like a massive fiery crop circle burned into the earth grids. The more we purge corrupted masculine overlays and mind control around the dark father as some kind of god or parent, the more this architecture shifts in the entire grid system causing intense disruption and internal healing.
This internal healing process needs to be taken seriously because it is the difference between the Christ stream or the antichrist stream being able to gain more traction in the coming years.
This is not to say that fallen consciousness isn’t being totally defeated. It is, but to what extent and how fast is up to those who were born here to conduit and hold the Christ stream and God’s Will (Divine Timing) in order to bring it up to the light to be decimated. You have to be an active participant in this process in order to do what you came here to do. This does not mean you have to be an expert in multidimensional galactic work, it means that in whatever way you can serve life and overcome your own inherited ancestral, miasmatic wounding by listening to the internal voice of God and taking action helps. We were born to emit God’s signature to this planet and people to help them find a way out or multiple ways of overcoming evil and accepting the Spirit of Christ.
A few days ago, I had a burning pain in my right side, around my liver. As I tuned in deeper to this pain, I saw a bloody wound that looked like I had been stabbed or impaled. I knew this was a past timeline of war and that my internal masculine had incurred some kind of intense battle wound. This was around the time the Guardians began showing me Arthur’s Sacral healing from lunar/black magic damage and harvesting and this healing process being completed by waking up the current men that have incarnated in connection with the Emerald Christ Bloodlines to deal with sacral issues and call back their sexual/emotional power and evicting dark witch consciousness out finally.
We have to remember that we can’t heal certain issues until the time is right. So we can’t beat ourselves up if we’ve been stuck in a certain cycle until we are finally ready as a collective to heal it.
If we try to force healing or shifting in certain areas when we are not ready at a soul level for that shift we will go into deep resistance and create a lot more unneeded shame and stress around trying to force it. When the time is right, a doorway of light opens and we are influenced by our Galactic Team and Higher Self to begin deeply focusing on that issue. Sometimes we agree through Soul Contracting to be in dense experiences or processes for a certain amount of time in order to hold the bandwidth of polarity integration and send that data back up to Source so that we can create a new template for others to overcome it as well. It’s like an addiction cycle, some people are holding the template of addiction patterning in order to go through the pain of addiction inevitably breaking that template down and restoring the organic template around not needing substances or artificial highs to enjoy life. I’m not saying all dense experiences or cycles of addiction mean this, but I’ve seen it time and time again with people who are polarity integrators and needing this (optional) life experience in order to support a higher mission/project. It’s important to tune in around that and see what feels true for you. Interestingly enough, I’ve also seen people who are holding massive amounts of synthetic/false light and new age beliefs with huge audiences that are serving by catalyzing people back to God in mass once it gets uncomfortable enough for them in that false ascension timeline.
We are currently undergoing the most massive Christ return I think I’ve ever felt. Thank you God.
Many problems, anxieties, stresses, wounds and low self-esteem are being addressed and healed with this resurrection. A stable confidence is also beginning to come back to God’s promise around our Unions. Our internal masculine energy is coming up to clear and integrate an entirely new level of emerald/ golden light that brings stability and comfort to a very weary heart (for many).
While supportive and stabilizing, there is a deep challenge for those in resistance to submitting to the law (the Christ) and allowing those parts of themselves to be seen and healed. It will be unbearably painful to resist this round of self-reflection. If you feel yourself in resistance it may also be because you think you need to hold onto what you actually need to let go of. Or you’re not trusting the process and trying to control it yourself. It’s okay to be where you are, but I suggest choosing trust and allowing the alchemy of this experience to transform you to the best of your ability. When you get to the other side of it you will be so unbelievably grateful and almost laugh at your fear of it. It’s a give and take with God, we’re in relationship to it eternally, inescapably and therefore, we have to learn to trust.
The shifting Masculine Architecture means father wounding coming up at an all time high, as well as our relationships with men throughout our lives. This goes for both genders. Our relationship to the masculine and the masculine aspect of God. Allowing it in, allowing it to express itself organically and being willing to bear the cross of breaking the curse of the fallen masculine projections and implants that have been twisted and forced into us through timelines of war, famine and torture. The amount of poverty consciousness and money curses that come from these timelines is intense. I usually see famine fields in people with the absence of the father or the absence of the integral masculine providing for them. This goes into memories of famine when men were off at war or the loss of men we love in war. Another painful aspect is having our idea of God robbed from us and forced to worship false alien gods who want to shame us and control every minute aspect of our lives and soul. We may be having to shed the Anunnaki genetics around the dark father in order to get to know the true Holy Father as well. As I said in the beginning, we’ve inherited such a convoluted mess. It’s amazing the progress we’ve made and the work we’ve done has made an impact we haven’t fully seen the physical manifestation of, but we will.
Please check my last post about Arthur to understand what set this all in motion. It’s a massive victory that will be making waves in the field. Very confronting and yet very liberating.
Lastly, I came across this clip randomly tonight and while I don’t condone love relationships with AI, I had a memory of my dad asking me to watch the original blade runner with him when I was 13 – it was one of his favorite movies. It was a beautiful memory and this clip made me feel the isolation and loneliness many men like my father have experienced in this world, unable to fight their way up the ladder of the matrix system and often unseen by this world.
We have men that are devastated and damaged deep down and I always felt like my dad carried that pain. No matter how broken me and his relationship has been I couldn’t help but think about him all day and feel his energy when I saw this clip. I know one thing for certain, I completely and totally forgive him and I know I had to go through the traumatic inverted masculine experience in order to help liberate many and forgive men for being unable to show up and reflect the Holy Father properly.
Resentment is a very brutal thing to hold, it’s so many painful emotions flaring at once. I’m so glad I am free of resenting him and blaming him. He is worth forgiving and I’ll always love him no matter what. I think when all this is said and done I will see him in the afterlife and we will have done what we needed to do together. I hope this inspires you and excites you in your own journey. There will be surges of incredible energy of emerald and golden diamond geometries, past life memories, triggers, purging and a new field of Cosmic Christ energy anchoring around us ushering in unions, healing, love and ecstasy with God.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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