Give us Strength in Overcoming Spiritual Abuse

God, please help us to have a stable foundation in the eternal truth of Christ as many use spiritual concepts and religion to abuse and diminish others. 

The most treacherous thing is to try and middle man people’s most sacred relationship to God and misrepresent what God is, so many fear God and shut themselves off from God’s light instead of feeling loved and accepted because of these gross misrepresentations. 

Please reveal yourself in each of our hearts so that we may develop an authentic relationship with you as you are and not as man has made you in its mind. 

You don’t exist in a box and neither does Christ. 

You exist in the most benevolent sea of grace and unimaginable love and forgiveness, you bring truth, safety and acceptance of all of us who are broken by this world.

God, please heal the hearts of those who have been taught to fear you and hide themselves from you in the despair of unworthiness and religious/spiritual abuse that is so prevalent. 

Please help us to take responsibility for our relationship with you so that we reclaim who you are beyond books, dogma, twisted truths and blatant distortions. 

Please help us to stand strong in our knowing that we are loved, even if we are expanding our spiritual knowledge beyond the levels that others are trying to police and bully us to stay at. 

Many want to feel superior to others as if they’re closer or more loved by you because they are choosing religion instead of a more open, spiritual path. This is a very unfortunate reality on planet Earth and I pray that we can overcome the chaotic, wounded and fearful projections of others who use the Bible to diminish good-hearted spiritual seekers because they themselves are in a lot of pain. 

I pray that we can allow others their own journey to experiencing God in their own time and offer helpful solutions and good news about God instead of the lies that the enemy uses to alienate people from feeling worthy of your light. 

God, we need you so much to give us strength in overcoming spiritual abuse and forces that seek to define you instead of authentic relating through the gnosis of your Holy Spirit. 

Christ, please help anyone who is struggling with this right now! Amen.  

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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