NEW WEBINAR: Shakti Rising - The Fifth Element:

Sophia Dragon Body Parts Returned


Oracle Ascension Updates

Mini Updates 

God Wants the Feminine to be Sovereign AND Safe

The Christ Field and Christos Architecture activates around her energy and is reflected without in order to hold the Inner Sophia (pure innocence, holy spirit of Christ).

The Inner Feminine needs protection in all beings with the architecture that holds her and creates boundaries to corrupted forces that seek to bleed her dry, stomp on her boundaries and feed from her garden…

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Astral and Etheric Torture Clearing

This is a painful but necessary topic to speak on.

Over the last week, we’ve been purging astral torture. I was shown the psychosomatic endometriosis symptoms in my body coming from sexual trauma that was triggered after I did a cervix activation and healing…

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White Rose 7 Seal Witch Template Resurrecting

White Rose 7 Seal Witch Template Resurrecting

White Rose 7 Seal Witch Template ResurrectingIn this VideoWhite Rose 7 Seal Witch Template Resurrecting Mary Magdalene and Venus Matriarch connected to Christ DNA Dark portals that opened on the 13th and lash-back in the field Huge dark anti-hierogamic network...

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Give us Strength in Overcoming Spiritual Abuse

Give us Strength in Overcoming Spiritual Abuse

God, please help us to have a stable foundation in the eternal truth of Christ as many use spiritual concepts and religion to abuse and diminish others.

The most treacherous thing is to try and middle man people’s most sacred relationship to God and misrepresent what God is, so many fear God and shut themselves off from God’s light instead of feeling loved and accepted because of these gross misrepresentations.

Please reveal yourself in each of our hearts so that we may develop an authentic relationship with you as you are…

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AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

Ascension comes in waves.

The golden waves of plasma are hitting the Earth and breaking down negative alien machinery and technology that have been blocking memory and spiritual knowledge with mind control broadcasts.

It’s clearing and bringing everything to the surface.

Ascension is 99 percent emotional clearing and processing. This is really the number one priority of the Christ Sophia – to clear the rejected, miasmatic unprocessed pain hiding within the bloodlines and bringing it to the light to atone for how this rejected pain allowed corruption and a severing from Source in the human psyche…

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Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light of Truth hitting the Earth Now

Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light of Truth hitting the Earth Now

Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light (the Light of Truth) is hitting the earth right now intensely and uncovering and revealing profound deceptions and long buried truths. The truth belongs to God and our consciousness and cannot be withheld for much longer by black magic mind filters and A.I mind control systems.

Our Soul has complete dominion over inorganic consciousness, so these are no longer blocking our higher vision of perception to a frequency that completely overrides delusion and manipulation…

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How to be with Horrifying Sensations

How to be with Horrifying Sensations

I choose the word ‘horrifying’ because some feelings, experiences and sensations are unbearable in the moment and even horrifying to experience or witness.

In learning how to compassionately witness them it can be so uncomfortable, the resistance can be so intense and yet, it can deepen you tremendously – if you have this gift and can relate.

As someone who has the gift to create the container for miraculous healing (a gift given to me by the Holy Spirit – the only giver of all spiritual gifts), I have the ability to empath on a level that many people would not dare to go…

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Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

I know a tall Shaman on the Ruby Christ Masculine Bloodline called “White Navajo” from my Gridwork and Divine Union work and have worked closely with him through the 2020 Solstice Portal.

I was so happy to see him again. He told me that there is a Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines.

His body emanated with Rainbow Electric Fractals and I could feel the surge of the prophecy of the mass awakening coming in the blood and memory for the Ruby Grail 12-Strand DNA Template Holders.

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Massive Blue Crystal DNA Womb Architecture Upgrades 

Massive Blue Crystal DNA Womb Architecture Upgrades 

The Christ has informed me that the womb space of the feminine collective and Solar Sophia Bloodlines is going through a massive upgrade and becoming crystalline.

This is activating Cosmic Sexual Creational and Multidimensional Manifestation Initiations.

As our sexual organs begin to activate, the blood which works as the energetic plasma of the body is going through major purification and activation. Our blood holds ancient power and memory…

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