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Sophia Dragon Body Parts Returned


Oracle Ascension Updates

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The Power of the Human Spirit

The more unbearable and painful life seems to get is an invitation to dig deeper than you ever have and find the strength of your spirit you didn’t know existed to overcome the impossible.

Building this strength of your own soul is the hardest thing you will ever have to do because you will have to come face to face with your own personal injustices and those that have faced humanity for a very long time…

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Timeline Choice Points and Curse Breaking

Timeline Choice Points and Curse Breaking

In this VideoCurse breaking and how to break a curse Timeline choice points to clear ancient archonic strongholds  Infections via Sophianic Template clearing Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates,...

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My Honeymoon In Paris

My Honeymoon In Paris

On august 29th, we took the train from London to Paris.

We sat on the train and drank wine, watched Top Gun: Maverick and made out intensely. The pre cursor to the sacral and spiritual heart expansion we experienced for 6 days in the UK beforehand. Our honeymoon was officially beginning, whatever that means?

As many before me, I fantasized about my honeymoon. What would it be like? Would it live up to the expectations I had before when I thought about it as a teenager? Would we have endless sex and lay in bed most of the day and explore the city of Paris in the most intimate way?

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Suggestions for Navigating the Spiritual Community

Suggestions for Navigating the Spiritual Community

In order to receive genuine, soul-activating truth, we must check in and listen to the internal voice of God above all other leaders, teachers, gurus, religions belief systems or opinions.

If someone else’s voice is leading our internal compass we simply do not have authentic sovereignty and can be led astray, enticed into paying a large sum of money, or sign a contract that will turn into a very big lesson/ loss. We can be pitted against each other easily when trigger is present. We can be eager to blame to ease pain and shame when we aren’t even in tune with our own internal Christ Light or listening to our own soul…

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Mary Magdalene’s Past Life memory with Jesus

Mary Magdalene’s Past Life memory with Jesus

My communication with the Grail Queen Mary Magdalene was beyond what I was prepared for this time. She wanted to show me her memory with Jesus. She warned me it would be very intense and to share it with others. I reassured her I could handle it.

I saw Jesus’ tomb, I saw Mary outside of it – The implications of that are beyond what most can comprehend…

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The Easter Portal: Purging the Anti-Christ

The Easter Portal: Purging the Anti-Christ

For me and my guidance, the Easter portal is about purging the anti christ. What this means is letting go of perspectives that are not true in God’s eyes, not true in the eyes of our Souls. To perceive ourselves with love and the filter of higher truth. To not be swayed by outside appearances and comparisons but our own set of ordained experiences and question, why? Why is this happening and what can I do now to understand the higher purpose or alleviate the intensity of it.

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Reclamation of Christ Sophia’s True Lineage and Story

Reclamation of Christ Sophia’s True Lineage and Story

We are in a huge clearing: Reclamation of Christ Sophia’s true lineage and story –
Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Mary of Magdalene. Organic Union Codes sealing out false timelines and reclaiming organic seals and covenants.

The Council of Nicaea (fallen masculine priesthood) has caused extreme distortion in our understanding of Christ/Sophia through biblical texts – when they got their hands on the Bible as it was before it was completely inverted in order to mind control the masses…

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Miracles Under

The Christ Logos

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