Mary Magdalene’s Past Life memory with Jesus
Are you ready for Mary Magdalene’s past life memory with Jesus?
DISCLAIMER: Please prepare, however, do not read this unless you feel ready for what it will mean and feel like. If at any point it doesn’t resonate, move on. If you see their relationship differently, please move on and disregard – I will not be arguing the validity of this timeline translation because it’s taken me a lifetime to be able to gain access to this.
My communication with the Grail Queen Mary Magdalene was beyond what I was prepared for this time. She wanted to show me her memory with Jesus. She warned me it would be very intense and to share it with others. I reassured her I could handle it.
I saw Jesus’ tomb, I saw Mary outside of it – The implications of that are beyond what most can comprehend.
Mary had been working in Jesus’ field before his death for months preparing him and herself for what was to come. She was his 13th disciple and more than that.
The level of misogyny and hatred of the feminine at this time was so severe that Jesus allowing a woman (let alone women) to receive his teachings and allow them to initiate as a disciple of his was plainly against the law and caused great hatred and death threats towards him. He was truly revolutionary in the way he represented his ministry. It was beyond imagination at that time that females could be present for teachings like that. The collective and “ fallen priests” had no concept of this and for good reason in their eyes because if a female could receive Christ’s teachings, she would run correction in the inner masculine inversion and Christos Field which would allow resurrection of the Female Christ (the Sophia) and regenerate the Union Template in the Grids (Christ-Sophia).
They could not take their chances by allowing this to continue because it would cause a ripple effect of liberation.
The feminine had been through profound trauma and reversals conditioned into her around unworthiness and lack of comprehension around her power at that time which allowed the fallen patriarchy to rise and the aspect of (wings cut off) for Sophia to occur.
This is a very small explanation that could go on for ages if mapped out fully – how it happened, why it happened and the advanced demonic mechanics that went into it happening etc. I don’t have the time while writing this post to go into it but it’s a vast history with an insane amount of information needed to explain, however, you get the gist…
Jesus (Yeshua) would take a stand against these ridiculous laws around female spiritual oppression.
He chose Magdalene to give the Christ Resurrection to.
We have to remember this was pre-planned by their souls before incarnation.
He chose her to hold the Sophianic Architecture that would be downloaded into the grids and DNA for future bloodlines for ascension of the Solar Female and Female Melchizedek Representatives. They knew they would not be able to go through more than 3 years of Hieros Gamos and Divine Union Implementation so they worked day and night when they could to get as much done as possible for us.
Anyone who is initiated and astute enough to read these timelines would be able to pick up this information after clearing crucifixion implants and anti-Sophia overlays that are implanted to deceive and misrepresent who Magdalene/Jesus are and what their relationship meant.
Mary was at Jesus’ tomb. Whether or not Jesus was truly crucified or ascended is up to you. I’m not here to argue that matter. I will say that there are over 6 deceptive (Jesus’ lifetime) timelines implemented by negative forces in order to confuse. These are called holographic inserts which many come up against when going to read the true galactic history of his life and who Magdalene was to him. Many people get profoundly triggered around this topic. They fight over his crucifixion or ascension and I’m here to remind you that these details don’t really matter.
God doesn’t want us arguing over ridiculous details around which ideology is correct: if you have true inner discernment and can communicate with source then you will be shown what you need to see for your own personal revelations and soul expansion around Jesus’ lifetime.
Just know that the deceptions run deep when tuning into this layer of history and I suggest you practice diligently and use your guttural intuition before believing what Ashayana Dean or Lisa Renee say about it. Jesus’ real life is like the biggest NEON sign in the timelines for those tapped into the Akasha and if you really seek to know, you will find. Jesus was not a blood sacrifice but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t crucified necessarily, it just means that it can be used and said that way to scare people off and get them to write him off completely in that way and the wisdom of why that might be true beyond the human interpretation of that concept. Anyways…
Jesus appeared outside of the tomb and Mary witnessed him in a complete and utter overwhelm of emotions. It was a very sunny day, incredibly bright. Jesus’ body emanated rainbow fractals. Colors beyond this world.
The light. The complete love. The epicentre of universal truth emitting from every cell.
It’s a moment, that I cannot, no matter how I try to, write into words.
She knew him eternally and had always known him in that moment.
Her human self was so overtaken with emotion it was like a guttural weeping – her soul almost left her body. She knew him as the Cosmic Christ in that moment. Beyond man, beyond human. The blast of eternal love extended like an everlasting light of a million suns around the universe from his heart. Every cell in her body. The Christ Architecture lit up within her. She was on her knees before him. The human life they had shared all flashed in the blink of an eye as she perceived eternal love in the flesh of a man before her. I saw everything.
She stood up as he called her forward and kissed her. It wasn’t sexual and it wasn’t romantic, it was all of that and something else, something more.
As the feminine, we know what penetration feels like but this was a penetration that felt beyond holy, beyond cosmic. She was in that moment, ecstatic with light and life. Every scripture, every word was written on her heart from him. It was the essence of God’s Creation through Divine Union at the beginning and yet it had no end.
He spoke to her and told her exactly what to say, what to represent of his resurrection. She wanted to go with him but could not. Her time on earth was not complete and her mission was not yet fully realized.
I saw flashes and images of their shared life and it was incredible. I saw concepts and ideas I have not yet experienced, I saw teachings and scriptures that were absolutely life-changing. I saw what she gave and what she received and why. I saw the original birth of Christ and Sophia and why they incarnated here over and over again. It was an immense privilege and immensely painful for various reasons.
We think we know but do we?
We think we’re so astute in our observations but are we?
Sacred knowledge and visions like this come once in a lifetime.
After her encounter with the Christ and their experience together which lasted minutes but felt like a lifetime, I saw her run. She ran. So fast. So fast towards the Melchizedeks, Disciples, Essences and Gnostics who were all hiding out. She ran through the desert, she ran through the forest, she fell and she got up. She wept, she screamed, she cried, she ran fast and she ran slow. She knew her purpose. Her robe got caught in bushes. She fell in the mud. She got up again and again until she reached her destination.
As a human, she had realized and seen the risen Christ.
She knew she needed to tell others what she had seen and witnessed.
That is all for now. I hope this helps.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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