Saint Sarah

God Wants the Feminine to be Sovereign AND Safe

The Christ Field and Christos Architecture activates around her energy and is reflected without in order to hold the Inner Sophia (pure innocence, holy spirit of Christ).

The Inner Feminine needs protection in all beings with the architecture that holds her and creates boundaries to corrupted forces that seek to bleed her dry, stomp on her boundaries and feed from her garden…

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Astral and Etheric Torture Clearing

This is a painful but necessary topic to speak on.

Over the last week, we’ve been purging astral torture. I was shown the psychosomatic endometriosis symptoms in my body coming from sexual trauma that was triggered after I did a cervix activation and healing…

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Dark Mother War and Marilyn Monroe Sophianic Bloodline Targeting

Dark Mother War and Marilyn Monroe Sophianic Bloodline Targeting

I didn’t think I could put specific words to the current energies at play collectively the last two months.

It’s a spiritual death and rebirth at a cosmic scale that I’ve never encountered before.

This darkness is coming up from the underworld to reveal itself as has been prophesied for a long time and it’s been causing an inner silence and inner confusion in me for a few weeks.

The magnitude of this battle right now and what it feels like internally is beyond intense (plain and simple) and yet, I can tell we are really getting somewhere…

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