Saint Sarah

Mary Magdalene’s Past Life memory with Jesus

Mary Magdalene’s Past Life memory with Jesus

My communication with the Grail Queen Mary Magdalene was beyond what I was prepared for this time. She wanted to show me her memory with Jesus. She warned me it would be very intense and to share it with others. I reassured her I could handle it.

I saw Jesus’ tomb, I saw Mary outside of it – The implications of that are beyond what most can comprehend…

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The Easter Portal: Purging the Anti-Christ

The Easter Portal: Purging the Anti-Christ

For me and my guidance, the Easter portal is about purging the anti christ. What this means is letting go of perspectives that are not true in God’s eyes, not true in the eyes of our Souls. To perceive ourselves with love and the filter of higher truth. To not be swayed by outside appearances and comparisons but our own set of ordained experiences and question, why? Why is this happening and what can I do now to understand the higher purpose or alleviate the intensity of it.

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Nubian Priestess Bloodline Return

This return is endlessly fascinating to me!

I was working the field today and a retrieval came through that went from Madagascar to the pyramid of Giza. It was for the Nubian Priestess Bloodlines. This is a Sophia Christ Grail Line that has a Ruby Diamond Tone – this is similar to the White Buffalo Sophia Grail Line as both show up as a Ruby Diamond Frequency…

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Divine Union is not a Superficial List of Requirements

Divine Union is decreed before birth. It has nothing to do with you trying to write it, manifest it, demand it or shadow work yourself into it. 

God has already taken every need and desire you have into account and knows your exact genetic signature. This means that God already had the intelligence to bring you to planet Earth with that complementary being and create a contract that aligns you to them at the perfect time…

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Spring Equinox: Choosing your True Soul Frequency

Spring Equinox: Choosing your True Soul Frequency

Spring Equinox Choosing your True Soul FrequencyIn this VideoSpring Equinox: Choosing your True Soul Frequency Saint Patrick and Jesus, Sarah and Magdalene’s True History Major Choice Points arise as we shed layers of Outdated Energy Thoughts on being very Intentional...

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Am I willing to stand up for the Holy Spirit Sophia, Yes

You cannot imagine the level of demonization of my work and courses I have gotten around this topic. The amount of people that try to fear monger and character assassinate me either out of jealousy or blatant misogyny – reptilian/ Draco war tactics. They use uninitiated people “teachers” in our community to try and pull Oracles or hold them in imprisonment within these teachers’ (portals) that are serving Thoth, Metatron, Enoch, Saint Germain etc…

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