Emily Sarah Christ

The Most Important Spiritual Advice I Can Give

You will regain your entire soul, energy, timeline, abundance, union and mission if you choose this relationship above all else.

This was the exact decision that shifted me from purgatory fields into my spiritual mission, and union. I merged with the spirit of Christ one morning after asking God why things weren’t working out and felt so off…

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Personal Empowerment Teachings Have Gone Too Far

Many people sloppily overuse the idea of personal empowerment to preach that dark attacks can only happen through unhealed core wounds and while there’s truth in that statement, they fail to recognize the reality of ancestral, past timeline, Akashic and collective wounding that takes profound time, commitment and the utmost dedication to process and heal…

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Polarity and Leadership through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia

Polarity and Leadership through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia

Polarity and leadership of the masculine is only done safely through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia.

If Christ Sophia is where you submit energetically and are inspired from on a heart/soul level, you are safe, you are truly holding the Law that the feminine will happily align to and become her highest self embodiment over Divine Timing.

If you are not led by Christ, you are trying to create an extension of your own ego and idea of what femininity looks like In order to make yourself comfortable…

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Christos Masculine Architecture Shifting

Christos Masculine Architecture Shifting

The 12 Sphere Tree of Life and Christ Masculine Architecture, also known as the Christos Blueprint, has been inverted on our planetary body and through agreeing to being born here we inherited quite an ugly mess around it.

This Tree of Life is in the process of being rebuilt within our own Lightbody, mirroring like a massive fiery crop circle burned into the earth grids. The more we purge corrupted masculine overlays and mind control around the dark father as some kind of god or parent, the more this architecture shifts in the entire grid system causing intense disruption and internal healing…

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Grail King Arthur & Inner Masculine Sacral Harvesting Purging

Arthur’s Sacral is about to be taken back in the actual Grid. The Guardians are showing the liberation within days fully so we are purging Lilith and sacral harvesting in the inner masculine big time to prepare for this shift. This is a part of the Mass Union Movement currently underway as a victory for us and higher beings currently supporting us…

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