Saint Sarah

Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Someone asks you to do something or for something…

For whatever reason, your gut says no, your intuition kicks in and subtly tells you, “that doesn’t feel aligned”, or “no, you’re too tired, please prioritize your rest” or “no, I don’t trust that person.”

You feel this feeling but decide to bypass it out of guilt, obligation or a feeling that if you say no you will have to feel the tension of that person’s disappointment so you fake being nice and say yes even though deep down you kind of start dreading whatever it is you’ve agreed to.

You do the thing you agreed to even though you didn’t want to and then, something happens that makes you start to regret the yes…

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While Understanding the Lunar Matrix is Important…

While understanding the lunar matrix is important and what the moon is currently being used for (trafficking hub/blood harvesting, sexual violence/exploitation of the feminine wound/womb, hijacking, Lightbody damage, sophianic enslavement etc), it organically and originally was a Solar Christ Body and a benevolent being before it was stolen…

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Magnetism vs Vampiric Neediness for Approval 

Magnetism vs Vampiric Neediness for Approval 

The nice guy/nice girl persona is one hell of a prison construct.

People pleasing is actually vampiric energy. We want to please in order to get a hit of validation and a feeling that we are liked and good enough.

It makes us completely dependent on the external. We hope others see us a certain way, we hope people think we live an awesome life or that we’re valuable because of something we have or appear to have. We hope the image convinces people that we are somehow enough and that they will stick around and meet our constant need for validation. We think that once we have X number of followers, this much money or this much attention and approval we will finally be happy…

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Mission Template Activations

This wave of Ascension is incredible.

It’s literally calling us to speak our deepest truth with no compromise and activating Mission Templates and Service-to-Others like never before – we’re really being called to start sharing of our own Galactic Codex…

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Filling the Spiritual Void 

Filling the Spiritual Void 

Filling the Spiritual Void In This VideoFilling the Spiritual Void  Authentic Self Expression vs Acting  Real Life vs Social Media in Spiritual Leadership Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates,...

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Nasty Energy and Golden Plasma

There is some nasty energy out there right now.

I saw a massive, black swirling vortex coming up from the dark grids in the city over here. They’re pushing black magic like smoke into the air and it’s causing people to have bad attitudes and anger flares…

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