Saint Sarah

Soul Template Ascension Map 

In the Higher Heavenly Realms, Jesus and Melchizedek designed a Soul Template layered into the Heart Field of each person that has a Map of our Highest Timeline on it and what we planned to do before we came here – it’s an Ascension Map with an ideal timeline. (Obviously, Free Will means there is no control here, just Gods’ influence)…

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Yahweh the Dark Father who Wants to Punish Sophia

Yahweh the Dark Father who Wants to Punish Sophia

God doesn’t want to punish you, but Yahweh does.

Yahweh is an Annunaki being represented covertly as God in the Old Testament of the Bible and many religious texts around the world. This Annunaki being is the essence of the dark, jealous, angry, bloodthirsty tyrannical father.

It’s a complete distortion from the real Holy Father aspect of creation and its desire is that you live in total fear of it, allowing it to control every aspect of your life. It wants you in the smallest box possible, fearing all other spiritual knowledge. It does not want your true spiritual gifts to come online so it will use religious fire and brimstone indoctrination to stifle you at every corner…

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Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics

Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics

It’s truly something to behold watching people secondhand regurgitate and misinterpret spiritual information and utilize it to bully and even dehumanize others.

Just like someone who uses biblical scriptures to feel morally superior to “sinners”, anyone can use any doctrine or spiritual teaching to persecute or bully another who they view as not on the same level.

Obviously, it is our individual responsibility to reclaim our relationship with the Divine and put boundaries to all violating forces or people that seek to middle man or distort that relationship, but it is easier said than done in the age of social media…

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Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

The sexual polarity in my relationship is currently off the charts. This is a new experience, not because we haven’t had amazing sexual polarity before but because we’re finally merging as one.

It’s added a spiritual and telepathic/empathic element that is almost surreal and yet is scarily real.

The process that occurs between two souls that are one through the Christos-Sophia Angelic Template Avatar in the Heavenly Realms is one that when activated through the first words spoken and then love-making, begins a process that completely cleans you out of all inversions, corruptions, and pain body ego constructs while also going through every layer of your etheric and spiritual bodies so that it can…

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