Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics
It’s truly something to behold watching people secondhand regurgitate and misinterpret spiritual information and utilize it to bully and even dehumanize others.
Just like someone who uses biblical scriptures to feel morally superior to “sinners”, anyone can use any doctrine or spiritual teaching to persecute or bully another who they view as not on the same level.
Throughout my entire childhood in the church, I watched people take their deeper pain out on one another using the Bible. It was hurtful and awful for my child self to watch the pastor of my church call people out and tell them God was mad at them for insane, off-the-wall reasons and I would watch those people cry and feel so ashamed in front of the entire congregation while he screamed at them and told them why they were so bad.
Even my 5-year-old self would watch in horror and feel like something was so dreadfully wrong with what he was doing, but could not put words to it or defend it. I guess my intuition was telling me that using God or spiritual concepts to harm others is a grave offence to the Soul of a person and actually has nothing to do with God. Sadly, people can bring in the words “Spirit Guides, God, Jesus, Angels, Extraterrestrials” to anything they want to feel justified in doing to others no matter how that may affect the person on the receiving end of that extremely damaging and undeserved mistreatment, but sadly, people are free to exploit the idea of God as they please in this reality.
Obviously, it is our individual responsibility to reclaim our relationship with the Divine and put boundaries to all violating forces or people that seek to middle man or distort that relationship, but it is easier said than done in the age of social media. Anyone can claim a spiritual identity and show up behind a screen with a curated expression that makes them seem extremely “high level” in their ascension process or very spiritually advanced. They can then copy and paste from places like the Ascension Glossary or Energetic Synthesis and add a little bit of their own dialogue into it or mimic activations they heard others doing on YouTube and Instagram to create a spiritual persona and offer it to others in a very watered down and inverted way.
I’ve had so many people buy my webinars or watch my videos with the intention to co-opt and try to recreate my activation or grid work without the Soul Template Activation Initiation necessary and there’s nothing I can do about it besides hope that people can see through it and trust that I am protected regardless.
Obviously, there is authentic template exchange where one is truly activated when hearing certain spiritual work another is doing and they receive the ability to do that work because it is already a dormant codex within their Lightbody. Those people will honor others and give credit to God and the Logos from which they received that knowledge so that others may as well.
I’m not here to police spiritual information, I just know that honoring others and not trying to pull from their Soul Stream is important for the purity of the giver and receiver. The kind of predator consciousness in people I’m talking about will not credit God let alone the person they pulled energy from without their consent, therefore inverting the codes and again, harming people.
Many people now are reading from Energetic Synthesis or Ashyeana Dean’s work without any form of true initiation or gnosis of the work and then twisting and fear-mongering so many topics that need deep discernment and processing to understand properly such as the Moon-Saturn Matrix, False Light, Metatron, Synthetic Light Grids and so on and so forth. Of course, we all hope others overcome the inverted, Luciferian new-age teachings for their own safety and healing, and of course, there are hard truths to digest about the new age or the false geometries and symbols that are a part of the desire to hijack the Ascension Timeline by giving false and intentionally inverted spiritual knowledge that was purposely stolen from the Christ Logos and Bloodlines and perverted for the use of severely distorted false light agendas that keep people stuck and harvested.
These truths about the Draco/Annunaki War and them beginning the new age agenda as an ultimate false ascension hijack in preparation for the mass awakening is vital for all of us to sift through and flush out so that we may fully embody the True Light of God Source and then anchor that into the grids instead of the synthetic sharp false light in the reversal 5th dimension astral that mimics Ascended Masters and Christ Consciousness. However, finding out about false light and ascension mechanics and then taking that very advanced knowledge and telling others that if they don’t know or understand it that they’re not going to ascend, or using it to spiritually bully others because they aren’t at that level or don’t get it is playing God and it is nauseating for those of us that know in our Hearts that God’s most simple, universal truths are the most vital and digestible and are actually the ones that truly bring peace and salvation, not necessarily the 15th Dimensional Ascension information these people are shoving down others’ throats in such a misconstrued way when a person has barely even done work in their first 3 chakras let alone their 11th or 12th.
This kind of knowledge being pushed as the most fundamental for ascension by highly uninitiated people who usually end up with really big followings is just so mind-boggling to me….not everyone is here to anchor super high-level multidimensional and galactic information in the way they express their individuality and unique soul blueprint.
Some are here for the most simple, grounded knowledge and it does not necessarily matter what grid they’re on, or whether or not they get that Metatron is a demon. At the end of the day, it truly is about the heart, the intention and the truth in one’s Soul. It’s about our most precious and intimate relationship with God and Christ. It’s about what we’re guided to understand and what lights the individual up when it comes to what form of expansion they’re seeking because the truth is, most complex spiritual knowledge is actually indigestible for the majority of people.
Luckily, they may be able to easily understand concepts like Universal Law, the 7 Chakra System, intuition and so on.
The truth is for everyone, not just the so called “spiritual elite”
While the Truth of God and the multiverse is so nuanced, Earth is our focus and bringing those higher dimensional energies into this body and into this Earth is what we’re doing, not living “up there” and unpacking irrelevant detail after detail about the cosmos until we’re actually disconnected from the Heart/Soul and Lifeblood of our innate desire to love people where they’re at and help them where they’re at.
Some are here to bring this kind of information and others, like a living library, are here to bring other Akashic truths that make sense for what their soul purpose is.
I’ve seen so many people go super galactic without the emotional work and they absolutely spiral, unable to handle it or stay balanced because their nervous system is all out of whack and they haven’t done enough in the body to actually go through the ego death and embodiment process necessary to share that kind of information without causing harm or they may even become unhinged and project that everyone around them is hijacked at random or they target other spiritual teachers.
If you have terrible boundaries and you’re a super empath, for instance, it will cause you to be an easy target for E.T parasites that use your unprocessed wounds and manipulate you to turn on other people who are innocent because through your newfound spiritual identity you feel superior and as if anyone who doesn’t get this is “bad” or dark. This is where the word ‘narcissist’ gets misused and abused by people who are covert narcissistic themselves and haven’t dealt with their own pathologies and begin projecting them all over the place and feel justified because they “know” so much and feel untouchable by this pseudo-spiritual persona.
This is why all of my work that I teach goes from the body and moves its way up slowly so that all is processed and layered as the DNA activates more – this is how the Guardians taught me to teach other Oracles.
Please, do not use and twist what belongs to God as a way to gain power over others, it’s a grotesque, irreverent display of narcissism. Also, be aware of your own desire to put others on a pedestal because there wouldn’t be a market for false gurus if there wasn’t such a high demand for them. This is something that is being worked out in the collective and sometimes if we are integrating polarities we might actually go through an exploitive experience in this way so that we may see both extremes and heal them internally so that we’re not relying on unsafe people to lead us anymore.
This is a part of a bigger initiation around false power and wolves in sheep’s clothing lessons we all have to learn.
I, personally, am not trying to say who’s authentic or who isn’t and I don’t look at things like this in black or white. I do see the multifaceted nature in the wounds of all of us who may try to get something like power, money, or likes to feel better and I don’t demonize the person doing it any more than the person empowering that spiritual narcissist so to speak. I understand the need to play this stuff out but I do also feel it’s important to say that fear-mongering and holier-than-thou attitudes that don’t have a core Christ message (as Aeleo would say) around simple salvation and relationship with God above all other teachings are peoples’ distorted perceptions that are not being filtered and these extremes are just not reflecting this universal truth.
So just be mindful of people going around misrepresenting God and using their ability to understand certain spiritual teachings to justify spiritual abuse and a reptilian stance in the way they express it so confidently and without any self-reflection or real care for others.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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