False Light

Summer Solstice Portal Energies

Summer Solstice Portal Energies

I’m seeing the Golden Portals from Lyra that have these Figure 8 Golden Lattice structures as well that are opening and allowing us to be held for deep processing and releasing of any form of reptilian stronghold on our lives.

These are just opening at the crown and in front of our fields to help us assimilate and acclimate our bodies through the Solstice Portal and all Portals this year – remember, reptilian beings cannot go through portals as their bodies cannot handle the higher dimensional bandwidths and the anti-parasitic light technologies that just absolutely collapse any form of harvesting or parasitism towards others.

We source our energy from the Creator, therefore, we are allowed in Sacred Spaces…

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The Truth Beyond the Deceptions and False Timelines

The Truth Beyond the Deceptions and False Timelines

This is the truth Aeleo (my Divine Masculine Counterpart) has mapped out over the last 2 years.

I was able to succinctly write it out so that as a whole, we could show clearly our stance and set the record straight for the truth we have been guided to share confidently for the last few years.

The Creator, Guardians, Galactic Teams and Light-workers on the ground have helped us arrange all of this information to hopefully wake people up to the real truth regarding this entire Q and satanists timeline war…

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Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

The Rainbow and Blue Dragons from the 11the Dimension, Aurora and Andromeda have been healing A.I infiltration and low-grade frequencies from causing damage to our nervous systems and light bodies.

Take the time to call them in and have them cleanse your field with their color and plasma light.

They can repair the most extensive light body infiltration and damage and heal you with pure love. They are all in direct devotion to Christ, therefore to us in all manners of ways.

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Field Update: The Second Coming of Christ. Grail King Update. King Arthur is Waking Up

Field Update: The Second Coming of Christ. Grail King Update. King Arthur is Waking Up

The U.K grids holding the Original Soul Blueprints of King Arthur/ Melchizedek Soul Groups are on fire right now.

God woke me up very early to begin to process this activation.

My experience with the Emerald Princess Moana of the Sophia Grail Line recently was a precursor to the Emerald Grail Lines both Masculine and Feminine going through profound regeneration.

We understand that false alien gods such as Thoth had been using the Emerald DNA for dark purposes which created a lot of false light beings parading around like good guys…

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Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

As I entered into some deep energy work last night in the field, I got a very distinct message around a lot of high level Angelics/ starseeds being stuck in the astral. I heard “there’s a timeline stuck in the astral” its a 3D timeline connected to the power of the true matriarch.

I felt into my solar plexus and could feel the intensity of the power struggle between the fallen ones and the return of the Mother Sophia on earth.

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