Emily Sarah Christ

Where we’ve internalized lies from the Anti-Christ

Where we’ve internalized lies from the Anti-Christ

Unearthing Where we’ve Internalized Lies from the Anti-Christ In this VideoUnearthing where we’ve internalized lies from the Anti-ChristCellular Miasma Purging  Mental and Emotional Disorders coming up to clear  Collective Field UpdatesLove You All!Did This Resonate...

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Magdalene Walk-ins & Aqua Sophia Bloodline Restoration for Blue Rose Template Holders

Magdalene Walk-ins & Aqua Sophia Bloodline Restoration for Blue Rose Template Holders

On the planet Venus, long ago, Jesus as we know him (the Cosmic Christ) incarnated in an entirely matriarchal society led by the Grail Queen Hatshepsut.

Hatshepsut was an incredible leader in Egypt and tried to stand up to the fallen draconian patriarchy that came in to destroy all of her teachings and kill her in order to take over and poison her kingdom. She was betrayed and killed, her body was stolen and they planted a false history about who she was.

If you tune into the Temple of Hatshepsut you will be able to feel her Rainbow Dragon Body and Essence…

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I want to acknowledge the level of exhaustion the intentional (direct energy weapon) fires on Maui have caused many spiritually.

To see such a blatant act of violence and overt destruction against such a beautiful, sacred place and people while being gaslit at every angle is very intense. We are all so deeply longing for justice and seemingly experiencing the opposite…

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Amrita Womb Template, Maui and Unmet Needs

Amrita Womb Template, Maui and Unmet Needs

Amrita Womb Template, Maui and Unmet NeedsIn this VideoAmrita Template in Womb linked in with Breeding Programs and Womb Harvesting Timelines Maui fire devastation and current lashback in the fields - why does God allow it?  Unmet needs as a core theme of trigger and...

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Masculine Melchizedek Dragon Guardianship

Yesterday, I made a post about unmet needs correlating to timelines of breeding programs that created an ongoing toxic rage miasma within the feminine and continuing hormonal issues.

After this painful processing experience something incredible began pouring as I was working in the fields that I knew was a part of the healing for all of us…

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Shakti Goddess Energy: The Crystal Seed Amrita Nectar Frequency

Shakti Goddess Energy: The Crystal Seed Amrita Nectar Frequency

I was thinking about my daughter today. Her aura and energy signature. It’s like a aeon of light in her tiny body. It reminds me of a fairy or some kind or Goddess Template she’s holding that has a mystical feel to it.

As I was pondering her origins and purpose, I was struck with the feeling of the Female God Code or Feminine God Essence that rolls off of her in waves and noticed that I had never fully been present to this before now.

The reason why it struck me so strongly was because I had felt triggered earlier today and hormonally off. I felt an underlying annoyance and irritation in my energy that I couldn’t shake…

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