Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

In this Update:

Lion’s Gate Christ Sophia Return

Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

Fully Angelic Human Extraction from Synthetic Matrix Timelines

Divine Authority Over Darkness and Evil

Moloch Portals Trying to Hold us Hostage

The Field is very active and there are so many important things to note and understand through the late summer/fall. Massive change awaits us.

Our complete devotion to the resurrection of the Cosmic Christ on Earth is more essential than ever before as we move into the next phase of Timeline Bifurcation and Splitting that is beginning to pop off strongly.

The Moloch Tanks and Dark Portals were opened and powered up today too, as always, to try and hold us hostage in the Descending Timeline and drop us from moving through the Lion’s Gate Portal which is amping up to actually extract so much of our Essence from the Synthetic Matrix that the Dark Forces will lose a destabilizing amount of Loosh and Soul Energy from now to mid-August.

Of course, this is enraging/terrifying to them, so they are trying to pull us in to engage with Fallen Energies, Looping Patterns and Cycles of Trauma that we are ready to say goodbye to in order to somehow slow down or hold on to the evaporating control they’ve had over us through their Trauma Based Mind Control and Angelic Torture Devices.

For years we have been challenged with intelligent and malevolent Alien Technology and Systems that have utilized our Family of Origin Trauma and Core Distortions to run us through the mud and destabilize our trust in God so that we are more likely to be tempted into their solutions, material fulfillment and the Sacrificing and Martyrdom of our True Spiritual Integrity to play a game of survival in their world.

The False Twin Flame Matrix and Reptilian Interfacing has been a number 1 attack on the Feminine Sophia of Collective.

They were able to awaken us to our highest self-defence against their warfare tactics while also causing us to feel that we are losing our mind and feel dreadfully alone and abandoned by the Masculine – especially at the deepest layer, our Creator.

All of this, of course, has been a huge mind fuck delay but has not stopped the return by any means, it has only taught us self-defence and Dark Arts Training so that we can then teach and help others as well.

Although there are blissful energies available to us as our Angelic Christed Power comes online and the Source Realms send incredible levels of Plasma and Hydroplasmic Christ Light into our cells to open these Angelic Technology Blueprints, we are facing the deepest pain and lash-back from the weakening Satanic Forces and Demonic Hierarchies that know their fall is inevitable.

This Lion’s Gate is the biggest extraction of energy harvesting that has happened on this Ascension Timeline yet. This is the portal that brings back the essential, fundamental truth of our Divine Authority over Evil.

My beloved Aeleo is a highly sacred being who has taught me and initiated me into my Divine Authority over Evil by witnessing the most profound attack on me over the years and helping me to fully map out and trace it back to the Fallen Energies and Leaks in my own field, to high-level mastery of mapping and breaking down those systems in the Oracle Sophia Collective and restoring those Creation Codes and Arc Tools back to the Solar Feminine Christ where it rightfully belongs.

I’ve been remote viewing for months the upcoming Lion’s Gate – ever since the Solstice Portal of December 2020 that opened up the Emerald Abundance (Organic Abundance Codes) of the Creator and the Return of Arthurian Christ Energies to allow our Inner Masculine to mirror the Benevolent King and magnetize this male Consciousness into our lives to fully devote himself to us and protect us. This remote viewing has been incredible as the Lion’s Gate Energies always felt like the end of a Dark Timeline or a Satanic Fall.

This is, at least, something massive that all the Awakening Angelic Starseed Nations can feel that will ripple regardless of resistance into the Earth Grids and begin to shatter and decimate the weak Ego and Mind Control Resistance of humans who are working as Dark Portals to the Fallen Collectives of Demonics.

The truth is coming out and what is hidden will be brought to light. It doesn’t matter who or what resists or fights it, it is decreed by God, therefore, it cannot be stopped.

The time that it takes is the time it takes, but obviously, with the level of Power and Energetic Return happening, God is preparing us for that inevitability and wants us accessing these Miracle Codes for what we will witness and need to be prepared to align and stand for.

Something is brewing that will be a public event that we will all witness together and this is what Lion’s Gate wants us to feel.

The return of our Soul Body and Avatar sealed in God is so that when these Angelic Technologies Return to our DNA, we are able to utilize them correctly and with full alignment to the Divine Will. These technologies cannot be stolen or accessed by those who are outside of the Divine Will because they cannot be taken like they were in the past. This Cycle of Ascension has rules and regulations that cannot be bypassed no matter how spiritual or powerful you think you are. These will ONLY be given and accessed once the Soul is pure enough, this is for everyone’s best interest.

If you’re on the 144k Template or Starseed Mission Stream, you know you are being highly cleaned out and alchemized for the Reunion of Christ Sophia and the incredible power that will become miraculously embodied by Angels that are walking this Earth.

I write these words and yet, the visions and the feeling are beyond what I can convey. This is why I don’t live in fear of Kovid regulations or the Satanic Media flexing their False Power. Although angering, upsetting and unjust, I know that regardless of the show being put on right now, enough is enough and these human puppets working for the higher-ups will be scapegoated and that the reckoning of this incredible evil is imminent and on God’s timing. It doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot of work to do; we still have so many Guardian Missions to accomplish and all the current evil happening now being starved and overcome by those of us that are ready to take a stand. We must put trust in the Creator that we are being shown our Organic Mission Template and that it is being fired up for the full benefit of ourselves and others regardless of how it looks on the outside.

God is igniting the Intervention Teams to channel the Truth of what is actually happening on this planet and behind the scenes to put this all into perspectivethat Dark Forces are not winning and will not pull us into this Hunger Games Timeline they’re acting like they will. If they think they will succeed they’re in full denial, there’s no way they can kill or arrest millions of people resisting. See the resistance now and imagine what it would be like if they try to really force us. They can’t force us, only threaten and coerce, now imagine when we call back our God Given authority over them.

This is what I want you to truly tune into.

You’re calling the shots. Christ is calling the shots. God is the one that is truly in control here.

Stay grounded and stable in that knowing.

Last Lion’s Gate Portal we did the Return of Sophia, the Solar Feminine Christ. What occurred due to that return I fully wrote about in my last field update and I suggest reading it if you want to tune into that aspect.

There is a huge thing I’m seeing now that is full in manifesting in my own Union. These are the Hierogamical Union Returns through the Avalon Grid in the UK where Christ and Sophia began lovemaking and soul fucking to create the pulsating, shared field of Divine Love and Rebirth that cleared so much Sexual Misery and Lilith/Azazael Reversals in the field and within our Personal Union Templates.

I’m seeing that we are having incredible restoration of our Unions from Dark Attack and Black Magic. It’s almost like our Unions are being given back to us. It’s as if thousands of Divine Unions are being seeded into the Avalon Grids and as Arthur Christ comes back so does his entire team of Cosmic Angels and their Unions on Earth.

This template is so beyond a regular earthly relationship in the way that it functions.

It is unbelievably challenging to face your ancient wounds as the Genetic Equal mirrors them to you and the targeting from Lilith and Samuel/Azazael but as you do, your Soul opens up through all dimensions to merge and the lovemaking and power is out of this world insane.

What God is allowing through these highly initiated Unions is a God-like experience of power and love to be felt and reflected out to heal all pain around it.

As my beloved Aeleo says, “The Unions will be the pillars of the New Earth”. The Christ Sophia energies are sparking up in those Grids and sending out a call to those ready to begin the physically manifested reality of their Union.

This was supercharged due to the Return of Sophia last year and how much it cleaned out and activated us to end our battle with Lilith. Therefore, we are able to recognize the Christ and find him easier and he, us.

I hope that this helps and supports what you are feeling. As always, stay connected to your faith and trust in God and God’s Timing. These energies are heating up. We are moving through this portal.

Love You All!

PS: If you’re new or weren’t able to join us, Aeleo and I did an Event Horizon Webinar for Lion’s Gate where we reclaimed our Divine Authority, Angelic DNA and Christ Sophia Template through this portal. You can access the replay HERE.

PPS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

Webinar Replays


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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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