
Yahweh the Dark Father who Wants to Punish Sophia

God doesn’t want to punish you, but Yahweh does.

Yahweh is an Annunaki being represented covertly as God in the Old Testament of the Bible and many religious texts around the world. This Annunaki being is the essence of the dark, jealous, angry, bloodthirsty tyrannical father.

It’s a complete distortion from the real Holy Father aspect of creation and its desire is that you live in total fear of it, allowing it to control every aspect of your life. It wants you in the smallest box possible, fearing all other spiritual knowledge. It does not want your true spiritual gifts to come online so it will use religious fire and brimstone indoctrination to stifle you at every corner…

Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics

It’s truly something to behold watching people secondhand regurgitate and misinterpret spiritual information and utilize it to bully and even dehumanize others.

Just like someone who uses biblical scriptures to feel morally superior to “sinners”, anyone can use any doctrine or spiritual teaching to persecute or bully another who they view as not on the same level.

Obviously, it is our individual responsibility to reclaim our relationship with the Divine and put boundaries to all violating forces or people that seek to middle man or distort that relationship, but it is easier said than done in the age of social media…

Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

The sexual polarity in my relationship is currently off the charts. This is a new experience, not because we haven’t had amazing sexual polarity before but because we’re finally merging as one.

It’s added a spiritual and telepathic/empathic element that is almost surreal and yet is scarily real.

The process that occurs between two souls that are one through the Christos-Sophia Angelic Template Avatar in the Heavenly Realms is one that when activated through the first words spoken and then love-making, begins a process that completely cleans you out of all inversions, corruptions, and pain body ego constructs while also going through every layer of your etheric and spiritual bodies so that it can…

Gods Intention for the Feminine and the Holy Ecstasy of Safety with the Masculine

What is gods intention for the feminine?

This is the question I ask my higher self when it comes to being a women in a committed relationship and a woman in general. “What is God’s original, Aeonic truth for Sophia as its authentic self-expression in Angelic Human form?”

When we want to understand the embodiment of the Feminine Polarity, we would first need to look at the feminine aspect of God and the Sophia of Jesus which is the Feminine Spirit and Soul of Christ and his innate oneness with the Feminine and reverence for the innocence and sacredness within the Holy Spirit that he embodied…

When Someone Dies

When Someone Dies

A lot of us have experienced loss in one way or another. The death of a loved one, wether it be a husband, wife, child or family member, each one has its own world of pain.

If a person dies in old age and of natural causes, it tends to be more understandable to the person left here on earth and potentially easier to manage and cope with. When one dies of tragic or shocking circumstances such as suicide, murder or a random set of unexpected circumstances, it tends to be more overwhelmingly earth shattering and seemingly unbearable to those that love that person. It’s not to compare pain, but to try and comprehend the different signature of loss and its affects on the psyche of those left behind so to speak..

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Anti-Christ Collective Plan: Eternal Severing of the Holy Spirit 

Anti-Christ Collective Plan: Eternal Severing of the Holy Spirit 

When the anti-christ collectives landed here, they had a distinct plan and mission that they carried out. One aspect of that mission was to destroy the idea that the Feminine Principle has anything to do with God and that she is not a part of the Holy Trinity or Godhead. Also, that we are inferior and created by God just to be a companion or just here to get fucked and while I have nothing against getting fucked, I do have a problem with this agenda that they successfully brought forth.

We have to comprehensively understand the level of evil this entails in order to heal it…

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How to be with Horrifying Sensations

How to be with Horrifying Sensations

I choose the word ‘horrifying’ because some feelings, experiences and sensations are unbearable in the moment and even horrifying to experience or witness.

In learning how to compassionately witness them it can be so uncomfortable, the resistance can be so intense and yet, it can deepen you tremendously – if you have this gift and can relate.

As someone who has the gift to create the container for miraculous healing (a gift given to me by the Holy Spirit – the only giver of all spiritual gifts), I have the ability to empath on a level that many people would not dare to go…

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Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

I know a tall Shaman on the Ruby Christ Masculine Bloodline called “White Navajo” from my Gridwork and Divine Union work and have worked closely with him through the 2020 Solstice Portal.

I was so happy to see him again. He told me that there is a Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines.

His body emanated with Rainbow Electric Fractals and I could feel the surge of the prophecy of the mass awakening coming in the blood and memory for the Ruby Grail 12-Strand DNA Template Holders.

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Massive Blue Crystal DNA Womb Architecture Upgrades 

Massive Blue Crystal DNA Womb Architecture Upgrades 

The Christ has informed me that the womb space of the feminine collective and Solar Sophia Bloodlines is going through a massive upgrade and becoming crystalline.

This is activating Cosmic Sexual Creational and Multidimensional Manifestation Initiations.

As our sexual organs begin to activate, the blood which works as the energetic plasma of the body is going through major purification and activation. Our blood holds ancient power and memory…

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God Inspired Love from a Man 

God Inspired Love from a Man 

The man that chooses you will have his heart inspired by God to do so

God will speak into this man’s heart and give him a very powerful incentive to take care of you

Lead you
Claim you
Never abandon you
Truly devote himself to you

He may even have other women around him when you meet him
He may have promised himself he’s not going to get committed
He may even tell you he isn’t looking for anything deeper or serious at first…

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I Am Loved, Worthy and Choose to Receive my Rightful Inheritance

I Am Loved, Worthy and Choose to Receive my Rightful Inheritance

When we (the Cosmic Christ Sophia Angelic Races) returned to earth, we returned with a very succinct job which was to resurrect hope through embodying the spirit of Avatar Christ in a human body which is a direct link to the Godhead that emanates through us absolute benevolence, justice, safety, forgiveness, faith and love. To remind humans of God’s promise of their triumph over evil and also help them with the most fundamental aspect of their healing which is boundaries to energetic vampirism and the ability to see and call out evil…

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The Cathedral of Sophia

The Cathedral of Sophia

Sometimes, we all want to give up. Sometimes, we just don’t feel inspired or we wonder if anyone truly cares or sees us.

You’re not alone if you’ve experienced a lot of ups and downs lately.

Oftentimes, we’re in the process of trying to digest our emotions, our life, the past, cellular trauma, transmuting core distortions that have been continuing false timelines that have kept us in a looping cycle etc that we’re now working very hard to break out of…

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Give us Strength in Overcoming Spiritual Abuse

Give us Strength in Overcoming Spiritual Abuse

God, please help us to have a stable foundation in the eternal truth of Christ as many use spiritual concepts and religion to abuse and diminish others.

The most treacherous thing is to try and middle man people’s most sacred relationship to God and misrepresent what God is, so many fear God and shut themselves off from God’s light instead of feeling loved and accepted because of these gross misrepresentations.

Please reveal yourself in each of our hearts so that we may develop an authentic relationship with you as you are…

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AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

Ascension comes in waves.

The golden waves of plasma are hitting the Earth and breaking down negative alien machinery and technology that have been blocking memory and spiritual knowledge with mind control broadcasts.

It’s clearing and bringing everything to the surface.

Ascension is 99 percent emotional clearing and processing. This is really the number one priority of the Christ Sophia – to clear the rejected, miasmatic unprocessed pain hiding within the bloodlines and bringing it to the light to atone for how this rejected pain allowed corruption and a severing from Source in the human psyche…

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Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light of Truth hitting the Earth Now

Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light of Truth hitting the Earth Now

Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light (the Light of Truth) is hitting the earth right now intensely and uncovering and revealing profound deceptions and long buried truths. The truth belongs to God and our consciousness and cannot be withheld for much longer by black magic mind filters and A.I mind control systems.

Our Soul has complete dominion over inorganic consciousness, so these are no longer blocking our higher vision of perception to a frequency that completely overrides delusion and manipulation…

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How to be with Horrifying Sensations

How to be with Horrifying Sensations

I choose the word ‘horrifying’ because some feelings, experiences and sensations are unbearable in the moment and even horrifying to experience or witness.

In learning how to compassionately witness them it can be so uncomfortable, the resistance can be so intense and yet, it can deepen you tremendously – if you have this gift and can relate.

As someone who has the gift to create the container for miraculous healing (a gift given to me by the Holy Spirit – the only giver of all spiritual gifts), I have the ability to empath on a level that many people would not dare to go…

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Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

I know a tall Shaman on the Ruby Christ Masculine Bloodline called “White Navajo” from my Gridwork and Divine Union work and have worked closely with him through the 2020 Solstice Portal.

I was so happy to see him again. He told me that there is a Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines.

His body emanated with Rainbow Electric Fractals and I could feel the surge of the prophecy of the mass awakening coming in the blood and memory for the Ruby Grail 12-Strand DNA Template Holders.

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Massive Blue Crystal DNA Womb Architecture Upgrades 

Massive Blue Crystal DNA Womb Architecture Upgrades 

The Christ has informed me that the womb space of the feminine collective and Solar Sophia Bloodlines is going through a massive upgrade and becoming crystalline.

This is activating Cosmic Sexual Creational and Multidimensional Manifestation Initiations.

As our sexual organs begin to activate, the blood which works as the energetic plasma of the body is going through major purification and activation. Our blood holds ancient power and memory…

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