
Sophia Bloodlines and the Anunnaki Timeline Wounds from Joan of Arc Healing 

Something I found so incredible was the witnessing of Joan of Arc’s life a few nights ago.

I was able to see exactly what she looked like. Her eyes were that of a dragon, eyes that I’ve never seen before besides with Jesus. Blue sapphire eyes slanted and very round. She had a somewhat masculine energy but it blended with a fiery feminine frequency, her brown hair tied back, she did wear armour but it was golden with dragon symbols on it…

Purging Azazael and the False Masculine Program for Embodiment of the 3rd Christ Return

I have been purging 3D power constructs and moving out of all false power wounding which has been a massive initiation.

This is essentially the false masculine programming we all receive through generational miasma and reversals. This is the masculine who is self-serving, narcissistic, uses others as stepping stones, lies for his benefit, exploits and gaslights…

The Law of Structure and the 12 Sphere Tree of Life Template

I’ve been shown to build everything on the Tree of Life 12 Sphere Template to activate the Eternal Seal around everything I do in preparation for the fall of the monetary system and the matrix.

It’s Gods’ Eternal Structure Template that builds the eternal foundation and Holy Spirit Light into everything that comes through so that it doesn’t crumble when the matrix does.

Anything that is not built on the Law of Structure (Tree of Life) will fall in the coming years and that includes…

I Relinquish All False Power

I relinquish all ideas of being powerful because of clout, likes, attention, money, how many people like or pay attention to my context or any external reality.

What is true, eternal and cannot be taken needs to be built by the Divine Law of Structure.

This means everything we build must have its foundation in God’s eternal template or it will crumble and fall like a stack of cards as we enter the Organic Timeline and pull ourselves out of the synthetic matrix.

All false power constructs will crumble in the New Earth – this will include money as we know it. Money will not get you into the Kingdom because the Kingdom cannot be bought…

Dark Mother War and Marilyn Monroe Sophianic Bloodline Targeting

Dark Mother War and Marilyn Monroe Sophianic Bloodline Targeting

I didn’t think I could put specific words to the current energies at play collectively the last two months.

It’s a spiritual death and rebirth at a cosmic scale that I’ve never encountered before.

This darkness is coming up from the underworld to reveal itself as has been prophesied for a long time and it’s been causing an inner silence and inner confusion in me for a few weeks.

The magnitude of this battle right now and what it feels like internally is beyond intense (plain and simple) and yet, I can tell we are really getting somewhere…

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Yahweh the Dark Father who Wants to Punish Sophia

Yahweh the Dark Father who Wants to Punish Sophia

God doesn’t want to punish you, but Yahweh does.

Yahweh is an Annunaki being represented covertly as God in the Old Testament of the Bible and many religious texts around the world. This Annunaki being is the essence of the dark, jealous, angry, bloodthirsty tyrannical father.

It’s a complete distortion from the real Holy Father aspect of creation and its desire is that you live in total fear of it, allowing it to control every aspect of your life. It wants you in the smallest box possible, fearing all other spiritual knowledge. It does not want your true spiritual gifts to come online so it will use religious fire and brimstone indoctrination to stifle you at every corner…

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Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat. Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing

Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat. Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing

I’ve been receiving sonar and bioluminescent transmissions, hearing the call of the Mother Sophia through her dolphin and cetacean beings of so many different genetic blends. Such a loving presence of such beauty and power, loving us through our trauma, having a level of compassion that is Godly.

This is the returning energy right now (Mother Arc Energy and Beings) sending so much through the fields, calling for us to answer and receive the support…

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Blue Ray of the 12 Ray Christ Return

Blue Ray of the 12 Ray Christ Return

This field update is written a little different than many of the others I’ve done in the past as it is a step-by-step process of what the Guardians have shown me around this return…

All of us hold Blue Ray Consciousness – some of us may be pure Blue Ray, while others have small signatures of Blue Ray encoded within them.

It is relevant for all 144k Starseed Nations and awakening families of light on earth at this time.

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Our Life and Ultimate Victory are not in their hands

Our Life and Ultimate Victory are not in their hands

There is a force in this universe that wants you to believe that it actually has the power to take something from you.

This is the delusion it is desperate for you to live under.

This is where it hopes you will surrender your power to it out of fear.

Dark forces are in a constant battle for the souls in this dimension. The thing is, is that our souls don’t belong to them…

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Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

The Rainbow and Blue Dragons from the 11the Dimension, Aurora and Andromeda have been healing A.I infiltration and low-grade frequencies from causing damage to our nervous systems and light bodies.

Take the time to call them in and have them cleanse your field with their color and plasma light.

They can repair the most extensive light body infiltration and damage and heal you with pure love. They are all in direct devotion to Christ, therefore to us in all manners of ways.

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Who GOD Really Is

Who GOD Really Is

When I think of God, I think of rock n roll in the 60s. God sent so many Shamanic rock gods to the planet to introduce this soul changing magic at that time.

I’ve been shown that all good things come from God. Nothing good can exist in the absence of God. That even means rock n roll and rap come from the mind of God for example.

The more you get to thinking of these things, the more you realize just how down to earth God really is.

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Field Update: 4:4 Portal. The Angelic Human Resurrection. Christ Lion Solar Plexus Template coming online. Organic Creation Codes abound in the New Earth.

Field Update: 4:4 Portal. The Angelic Human Resurrection. Christ Lion Solar Plexus Template coming online. Organic Creation Codes abound in the New Earth.

As you know, today is about the most incredible being I’ve ever known. The Christ who lives within our hearts and is our primary key to ascension.

Through the last week this has been made very clear to Aeleo who has passed this sacred knowing onto me.

The number one key to the Organic Ascension process is the revelation of Christ in all ways.

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False Twin Flame Fallout and Sourcing to God as Money and Sustenance

False Twin Flame Fallout and Sourcing to God as Money and Sustenance

The last few days have been about “endings” and this theme will continue for the next few weeks.

The more that our true Christ Sophia Union Template activates the more the false twin or inorganic partner falls away as the True Genetic Equal begins their lift within our Soul Matrix/ Lightbody and Physical Reality.

A lot of people are with the physical manifestation of their Masculine or Feminine wound in a person which is actually a part of the reptilian interface although it does work to our benefit, which I will explain…

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Reclaiming the Solar Sophia Energies and Original Moon Templates from the Garden of Eden

Reclaiming the Solar Sophia Energies and Original Moon Templates from the Garden of Eden

Understanding the lunar forces and danger of moon rituals is essential, understanding the difference between the solar and lunar forces is essential, but know that there are Original Moon Templates that come from Higher Moon Beings that exist in many other matriarchal constellations – including one that is around 10d.

A lot of Sophia Magdalene energies reside there and Pure Moonbeam Energy that is white and pastel blue and incredibly powerful, benevolent and feminine.

There is a way to help reclaim the Higher Moon and Solar Energies for inner peace and rebalancing…

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Advice for a happy, open, flowing and dynamic spiritual life

Advice for a happy, open, flowing and dynamic spiritual life

If we define Jesus and God with all these restrictions, we stagnate our relationship with God and stay stuck in an archaic old timeline.

Instead of getting to know the creator and being open to the ever expanding process of these beings ( the Christ, Holy Spirit, Father ) we have to keep them limited to religion which is just one key of truthful information with a lot of distortion.

There is so much to discover in our relationship with the Holy Creator.

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Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat. Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing

Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat. Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing

I’ve been receiving sonar and bioluminescent transmissions, hearing the call of the Mother Sophia through her dolphin and cetacean beings of so many different genetic blends. Such a loving presence of such beauty and power, loving us through our trauma, having a level of compassion that is Godly.

This is the returning energy right now (Mother Arc Energy and Beings) sending so much through the fields, calling for us to answer and receive the support…

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Blue Ray of the 12 Ray Christ Return

Blue Ray of the 12 Ray Christ Return

This field update is written a little different than many of the others I’ve done in the past as it is a step-by-step process of what the Guardians have shown me around this return…

All of us hold Blue Ray Consciousness – some of us may be pure Blue Ray, while others have small signatures of Blue Ray encoded within them.

It is relevant for all 144k Starseed Nations and awakening families of light on earth at this time.

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Our Life and Ultimate Victory are not in their hands

Our Life and Ultimate Victory are not in their hands

There is a force in this universe that wants you to believe that it actually has the power to take something from you.

This is the delusion it is desperate for you to live under.

This is where it hopes you will surrender your power to it out of fear.

Dark forces are in a constant battle for the souls in this dimension. The thing is, is that our souls don’t belong to them…

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