
God Inspired Love from a Man 

The man that chooses you will have his heart inspired by God to do so

God will speak into this man’s heart and give him a very powerful incentive to take care of you

Lead you
Claim you
Never abandon you
Truly devote himself to you

He may even have other women around him when you meet him
He may have promised himself he’s not going to get committed
He may even tell you he isn’t looking for anything deeper or serious at first…

I Am Loved, Worthy and Choose to Receive my Rightful Inheritance

When we (the Cosmic Christ Sophia Angelic Races) returned to earth, we returned with a very succinct job which was to resurrect hope through embodying the spirit of Avatar Christ in a human body which is a direct link to the Godhead that emanates through us absolute benevolence, justice, safety, forgiveness, faith and love. To remind humans of God’s promise of their triumph over evil and also help them with the most fundamental aspect of their healing which is boundaries to energetic vampirism and the ability to see and call out evil…

The Cathedral of Sophia

Sometimes, we all want to give up. Sometimes, we just don’t feel inspired or we wonder if anyone truly cares or sees us.

You’re not alone if you’ve experienced a lot of ups and downs lately.

Oftentimes, we’re in the process of trying to digest our emotions, our life, the past, cellular trauma, transmuting core distortions that have been continuing false timelines that have kept us in a looping cycle etc that we’re now working very hard to break out of…

Simple, Digestible Wisdom

I teach all forms of multidimensional and galactic processes/ ascension energetics and I would say although that has been life changing, incredibly supportive and vital, nothing has helped me in times of distress more than simple digestible wisdom.

After all, God wants truth to be something everyone can receive, not just the “spiritual elite “if you know what I mean…

Christos Masculine Architecture Shifting

Christos Masculine Architecture Shifting

The 12 Sphere Tree of Life and Christ Masculine Architecture, also known as the Christos Blueprint, has been inverted on our planetary body and through agreeing to being born here we inherited quite an ugly mess around it.

This Tree of Life is in the process of being rebuilt within our own Lightbody, mirroring like a massive fiery crop circle burned into the earth grids. The more we purge corrupted masculine overlays and mind control around the dark father as some kind of god or parent, the more this architecture shifts in the entire grid system causing intense disruption and internal healing…

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Authentic vs Inauthentic (False Light) Ego Death

Authentic vs Inauthentic (False Light) Ego Death

Through the True Christ Light, we experience the breaking down of our ego safely and in alignment with God – no gaslighting involved, no need to become Christ-like or kill your humanness. Whereas, if we go through false gurus and teachers and inverted spiritual knowledge, we will feel so ungrounded and out of touch with Source that we will actually feel like our Soul is dying as the process tries to get rid of the necessary aspects of us needed for a full spectrum human experience. The reason God allows it to get so painful and harmful to our true self is so that, eventually, we intuit that something about what we’re doing isn’t aligned and get out of the entanglement with those beliefs, ideas and teachings…

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Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

The masculine has been tortured by severe Reptilian Consciousness for thousands of years.

We must hold the Eternal Love of God, the Blue Fame of Sophia in our heart for them right now, that they may be liberated and have their full Return to serving the Christ.

I’m feeling and seeing the depth of pain and oppression in the collective heart of the True Masculine and his organic function today.

His Wings have been cut off and his Heart and Sacral split so that he can’t fully align to his inner and outer Union…

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Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

For years we have been challenged with intelligent and malevolent Alien Technology and Systems that have utilized our Family of Origin Trauma and Core Distortions to run us through the mud and destabilize our trust in God so that we are more likely to be tempted into their solutions, material fulfillment and the Sacrificing and Martyrdom of our True Spiritual Integrity to play a game of survival in their world.

The False Twin Flame Matrix and Reptilian Interfacing has been a number 1 attack on the Feminine Sophia of Collective.

They were able to awaken us to our highest self defence against their warfare tactics while also causing us to feel that we are losing our mind and feel dreadfully alone and abandoned by the Masculine – especially at the deepest layer, our Creator.

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Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

For the last few years myself and many others were prepping for the Sophia Holy Spirit Feminine Christ Return that was able to make it through August 8 of 2020 last year and blast out so much dark feminine implants, dark portals, false light, dark mother and so on and to begin being received by the Angelic and Starseed Sophia Collective.

This caused a huge fall wound within our feminine energy to be pulled up and worked on.

As the return of Sophia through the Bali/UK, Avalon Grids comes full circle we know that anyone in the Feminine Collective playing out enemy patterning is not being allowed to receive the Organic, Sophia Templates as the corruption in their Soul is too big of a risk and not trusted with Higher Gift Activation incase they use it without integrity and safety for others.

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False Twin Flame Fallout and Sourcing to God as Money and Sustenance

False Twin Flame Fallout and Sourcing to God as Money and Sustenance

The last few days have been about “endings” and this theme will continue for the next few weeks.

The more that our true Christ Sophia Union Template activates the more the false twin or inorganic partner falls away as the True Genetic Equal begins their lift within our Soul Matrix/ Lightbody and Physical Reality.

A lot of people are with the physical manifestation of their Masculine or Feminine wound in a person which is actually a part of the reptilian interface although it does work to our benefit, which I will explain…

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Reclaiming the Solar Sophia Energies and Original Moon Templates from the Garden of Eden

Reclaiming the Solar Sophia Energies and Original Moon Templates from the Garden of Eden

Understanding the lunar forces and danger of moon rituals is essential, understanding the difference between the solar and lunar forces is essential, but know that there are Original Moon Templates that come from Higher Moon Beings that exist in many other matriarchal constellations – including one that is around 10d.

A lot of Sophia Magdalene energies reside there and Pure Moonbeam Energy that is white and pastel blue and incredibly powerful, benevolent and feminine.

There is a way to help reclaim the Higher Moon and Solar Energies for inner peace and rebalancing…

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Advice for a happy, open, flowing and dynamic spiritual life

Advice for a happy, open, flowing and dynamic spiritual life

If we define Jesus and God with all these restrictions, we stagnate our relationship with God and stay stuck in an archaic old timeline.

Instead of getting to know the creator and being open to the ever expanding process of these beings ( the Christ, Holy Spirit, Father ) we have to keep them limited to religion which is just one key of truthful information with a lot of distortion.

There is so much to discover in our relationship with the Holy Creator.

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Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

As we return to Eternal Life through full reliance on God’s sustenance, we anchor the new earth and begin to align to victory over the inorganic timelines.

It’s interesting what I’m seeing. It’s like a breakdown of Luciferian, reversal serpent energies that have been feeding on the root/ sacral.

Joan of arc is a Grail Queen and a part of the Sophia Christ incarnation line and I’m feeling the devotional aspect Is what she’s highlighting in the field for us all. We’re being shown to fully reconnect through devotion with the Creator and as we do this, luciferian reversals that have been in control of some of these grids we’re all working on are collapsing and there’s these Diamond Faerie Devotional/ Eternal Life Streams that are just enveloping us…

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The Feminine Womb is a portal of Creation

The Feminine Womb is a portal of Creation

The womb of the Feminine is a portal of creation that holds the signatures of the Divine Beloved in order to magnetize him into her life when she is fully ready.

When those signatures get mixed up from sexual or emotional interaction with a man that holds Reptilian Genetics (narcissism/sociopathy) and is not in Devotion to her Soul, she can begin cycling in Sexual Misery and Martyrdom with a Fallen Male Archetype, end up feeding his sickness with her sexual energy and thus empowering him to continue to be energized through her Light Essence…

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Beings truly serving the Eternal Christ/God will NEVER ask to merge with you

Beings truly serving the Eternal Christ/God will NEVER ask to merge with you

Beings that truly serve the eternal Christ/God will never ever ask to merge with your body to speak to you and they will never ask you to channel them or to share space within your vessel.

It is highly damaging to our DNA and nervous system to allow beings that come from the Phantom Ascension Matrix (lower/reversal 4th Dimensional Astral and lower 5th Dimension) into our body to speak to them or to relay information to others.

Most of the channels thus far are speaking to the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL) or Ascended Masters that are actually degenerating the Source Light within that person’s body template…

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Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

The masculine has been tortured by severe Reptilian Consciousness for thousands of years.

We must hold the Eternal Love of God, the Blue Fame of Sophia in our heart for them right now, that they may be liberated and have their full Return to serving the Christ.

I’m feeling and seeing the depth of pain and oppression in the collective heart of the True Masculine and his organic function today.

His Wings have been cut off and his Heart and Sacral split so that he can’t fully align to his inner and outer Union…

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Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

For years we have been challenged with intelligent and malevolent Alien Technology and Systems that have utilized our Family of Origin Trauma and Core Distortions to run us through the mud and destabilize our trust in God so that we are more likely to be tempted into their solutions, material fulfillment and the Sacrificing and Martyrdom of our True Spiritual Integrity to play a game of survival in their world.

The False Twin Flame Matrix and Reptilian Interfacing has been a number 1 attack on the Feminine Sophia of Collective.

They were able to awaken us to our highest self defence against their warfare tactics while also causing us to feel that we are losing our mind and feel dreadfully alone and abandoned by the Masculine – especially at the deepest layer, our Creator.

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Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

For the last few years myself and many others were prepping for the Sophia Holy Spirit Feminine Christ Return that was able to make it through August 8 of 2020 last year and blast out so much dark feminine implants, dark portals, false light, dark mother and so on and to begin being received by the Angelic and Starseed Sophia Collective.

This caused a huge fall wound within our feminine energy to be pulled up and worked on.

As the return of Sophia through the Bali/UK, Avalon Grids comes full circle we know that anyone in the Feminine Collective playing out enemy patterning is not being allowed to receive the Organic, Sophia Templates as the corruption in their Soul is too big of a risk and not trusted with Higher Gift Activation incase they use it without integrity and safety for others.

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