Womb of Sophia

Reptilian Genetics and the Womb of Sophia 

Reptilian Genetics and the Womb of Sophia 

The Holy Spirit and Feminine Essence of God is the most sought after energy by dark forces.

It is the most desecrated thing in every living being in this area of our universe and all areas invaded by draco/reptilian/Annunaki beings.

They are harvesting this in insane amounts by corrupting and traumatizing the Feminine into a false masculine shell in order to survive in this dimensional plane. Sophia, the Feminine Christ, in essence is the pinnacle of innocence and trust, allowing itself to be led and held by the Masculine Christ in full openness and ecstasy…

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Aqua Sophia and the Crystalline Diamond Womb

The Aqua Diamond is the Crystalline Architectural Heart and Womb of Sophia.

It is a Portal, Stargate and Chakra that merges with the Higher Heart to magnetically receive the True Masculine and penetration of her Beloved in every cell and in every unloved, rejected and disowned part of herself for the coming back together of Christ-Sophia within and without…

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