Womb Healing

How To ReSeal Our Womb

How To ReSeal Our Womb

How to Re-Seal our WombIn This VideoHow to Re-Seal our Womb Sirian High Council global support for earthly events Collective Masculine Purge and updates on what it means (Things are going to get worse with satanists but we will see justice) PS: The following video is...

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Field Update: New Womb Architecture of Osiris and the Genetic Equal

Field Update: New Womb Architecture of Osiris and the Genetic Equal

About a week ago, an incredible being, a very misrepresented being, a being that has been distorted by dark forces throughout the corrupted Egyptian timelines showed up in our Oracle Field Work.

He spoke to me and said “If you want to take your power back, I mean really take it back, heal your sacral. I’m not talking about chakra balancing. I’m talking about rebuilding architecture”

A bright orange/ ruby/ gold frequency began forming a powerful, warm and loving masculine presence around me.

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