New Womb Architecture
of Osiris and the Genetic Equal
About a week ago, an incredible being, a very misrepresented being, a being that has been distorted by dark forces throughout the corrupted Egyptian timelines showed up in our Oracle Field Work.
He spoke to me and said “If you want to take your power back, I mean really take it back, heal your sacral. I’m not talking about chakra balancing. I’m talking about rebuilding architecture”
A bright orange/ ruby/ gold frequency began forming a powerful, warm and loving masculine presence around me.
I heard the name Osiris and was shown the phrase “Protector of Women”.
I felt so enveloped in love that it reminded me of the emerald/ magenta tones and presence of the Holy Father, such an identifiable frequency. I sensed that he was holding the Benevolent King frequencies of the Holy Father, as it communicated off of his energy (pure benevolence) pure protection, one that a lover and a father might bring.
Light body architecture is something I learned from the Sophia dragon lines as well as the Andromedans. It is no doubt something that will be hijacked and used as a “buzz word” just as plasma light is, in new age communities which makes me sad, the misuse of these things is simply dangerous. Plasma is an initiation that is absolutely life/ soul changing. It has a miraculous quality than when birthed and activated right can serve those who need an overnight miracle incredibly. Same with light body architecture which can rebuild the structure within the avatar regenerating living source light and incredible new gifts and abilities.
As Osiris was permeating the field around me, he pulled out the holographic architecture of my womb and pulled it up like a map or blueprint (with my consent) and showed me a deep cavernous wound, a wound that I had felt for years but had been dissociated to. Asymptomatic pain was there, I could feel how for years every time it would arise I would find a way to avoid it. Barely conscious of it due to being used to it on some level.
When you are sexually exploited or violated, whether through sexual abuse or someone you were dating or had sex with, if it continues for a long period of time, you will dissociate from the pain and start leaving your body on some level and holding tension and resistance in your sexual organs/ hips/ legs.
Whenever someone penetrates you when this is the state of your womb, you will not be able to fully enjoy it, be present, or receive them on a cellular level as you should only if this is your true beloved.
If you are having sex with an imposter being (False Masculine/ Azazael/ Reptilian / Draconian/ Narc Genetics) who is using you on some level this soul fragmentation will only worsen until you go into an extremely energetically unbalanced place or into complete numbness.
As I was shown this was the state of my womb, I noticed how profound this tension was that I had been in denial of holding. Four years before I met Aeleo, I had a long-term experience of sexual exploitation from someone who for years, would come over and use me with no intention of loving me, being with me or devoting himself to me in any way. I did this for 5 years straight. The very last time it happened I was screaming inside, I was doing the acts, but I was actually screaming no, please stop, as loud as I could in my mind. My body could barely feel it happening but I was going along with it, after 5 years of being siphoned for my Sophianic Essence, I knew it had to stop for good.
Unfortunately because of how long this attack on my soul had gone on, each time this person would come over for this, my body was getting tenser, triggering more violation, emotional pain than ever before so I would be doing the sex hoping for love, devotion, commitment and know it would not happen after he was done so I would start bracing myself for the coldness of being left and discarded only to be used over and over without knowing how to stop it. It was a vicious cycle that when ended, I was actually suicidal due to having zero true masculine presence there to love me and my daughter and help us mend after so many years of utter coldness, discarded emotional abuse from someone that was meant to love and treat us like queens. This destroyed my self-esteem even though I was in denial of it. I could not allow myself not to be strong. I had to do my spiritual mission, I had to take care of my daughter. I had to keep moving, so I did.
About a year later, after a bout of serious depression, I woke up one morning with Golden Christ energy all around my body.
I heard the words “merge with Christ, fully let him in” I wept for hours, my entire life I had never allowed that pure masculine frequency to enter into my field, too afraid of being hurt in some way or it turning out not to be that, there were steel walls around my heart, these walls in that moment began to crumble.
Christ and the return of Christ was being made known to me.
My profound need for love and God and Christ and the Holy Masculine rippled through my field, I begged God for a husband and a father for my child. I told God, I’m broken, I need you! I need a man, I can’t love myself in this trauma, I need someone to help me love myself and to find hope again, please help me Father, please help me, Jesus!!”
All my pride, my fear, my walls dissolving into nothingness.
One month later, Aeleo walked into my life and began loving me instantly and bringing me back to life. He taught me how to love myself and use my gifts for God only. It has changed the very fabric of my consciousness and what this dark masculine attack and trauma had made me believe about myself all ended up not being true at all.
A fabrication of the false father of lies.
After a year and a half, tremendously healing in profound ways, activating my soul gifts beyond ever before and getting my oracle training mission, the only thing still plaguing me a bit besides some “Lilith” I’ve now healed, my hormones, womb, ability to be penetrated fully without dissociating or feel the utmost resistance was still pretty prevalent.
For me, I can’t make love and fully enjoy it unless I’m talked through it and reassured that I am loved. My past was not allowing me to quietly trust and just be. The idea that I would ever be used in that way again is so devastating to my psyche that I had to hold back and protect giving too much of myself.
In my union, as this cycle has been present for me, my beloved has been more than understanding and willing to hold space for it. Using sex to feel better or being checked out during sex is the cycle I would go through. I wanted to heal it but didn’t know how to talk about these things to him as I will have to relive the shame and degradation it brings up.
Osiris, in his full presence of Holy Masculine Love, spoke to me and said “ there is no sexual trauma too great for me to help you heal if you can bring yourself to share it vulnerably when you’re ready.”
I felt, I mean FELT his words in my soul.
I could feel that no matter the pain, shame guilt that it would be healed, that I was ready.
He showed me that the feminine and Sophia collectives are now ready to receive the New Womb Architecture of Isis/Osiris and to regenerate the most incredible creation codex in their womb seen on this planet.
I saw living diamond-bright ruby crystalline fallopian tubes/ cervix/ and other avatar aspects of the womb running a resurrection and reactivation to drop out sexual misery once and for all and reclaim the womb which has the capacity to create through the Hieros Gamos System of Christ Sophia in the higher heart and link together through sacral, running alchemy and transmutation on a level not seen before.
An entire new womb architecture that completely aligns the true masculine and genetic equal to us to merge on that cellular DNA level as I did with Christ that day.
This alchemy will allow for truly powerful levels of manifestation in Divine Union (miraculous) Divine Manifestation with the Heart of God.
To change the sexual exploitation and misery of so many to an untouchable, holy, sacred place.
Such pure devotion from the true masculine, all other DNA burned out and collapsed, all trauma no matter the depth ended as if it never happened. Power that made me tremble, power that caused chills all over my body.
I consented and Osiris has begun a process with me to fully embody this New Womb Template and begin the Hieros Gamos process through it.
I was shown single people aligning to Union through this as well. I was shown the magnetic brilliance of it anchoring no matter our current relational situation.
Most of all the sexual misery/ exploitation pattering and fallen masculine/ Lilith DNA falling out or any energy of that matter that doesn’t match to the true beloved or genetic equal.
I highly suggest connecting to the Holy Father at this time, Osiris or Christ to ask to receive this now.
Understand that this will be a process but an incredible one. You must allow the love of your true Holy Father to reach you. You must allow all your pain held in your womb to be dealt with. It is time for a full reset to allow for many divine unions.
Osiris has been ever-present with me, speaking, connecting, showing up fully for every memory, every experience that needed processing. We don’t have to do it alone and he is now available for profound levels of support in this matter.
PS: The replay of the 3-hour New Womb Architecture Masterclass is now available and includes a bonus Osiris FieldWork/Activation/Healing. Click here to purchase.
Love You All!

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Let’s Chat!
Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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