Winter Solstice

Solstice Portal Pre Dark Attack

Without fear, let’s be highly aware of the lunar forces and lash back occurring through this full moon. The frequency of challenge and threat they feel about how much control they’re losing through this solstice portal is quite intense. They’re certainly in the process of throwing black magic to create chaos in the field…

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Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

As I entered into some deep energy work last night in the field, I got a very distinct message around a lot of high level Angelics/ starseeds being stuck in the astral. I heard “there’s a timeline stuck in the astral” its a 3D timeline connected to the power of the true matriarch.

I felt into my solar plexus and could feel the intensity of the power struggle between the fallen ones and the return of the Mother Sophia on earth.

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