White Navajo

Summer Solstice Portal Energies

Summer Solstice Portal Energies

I’m seeing the Golden Portals from Lyra that have these Figure 8 Golden Lattice structures as well that are opening and allowing us to be held for deep processing and releasing of any form of reptilian stronghold on our lives.

These are just opening at the crown and in front of our fields to help us assimilate and acclimate our bodies through the Solstice Portal and all Portals this year – remember, reptilian beings cannot go through portals as their bodies cannot handle the higher dimensional bandwidths and the anti-parasitic light technologies that just absolutely collapse any form of harvesting or parasitism towards others.

We source our energy from the Creator, therefore, we are allowed in Sacred Spaces…

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Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

I know a tall Shaman on the Ruby Christ Masculine Bloodline called “White Navajo” from my Gridwork and Divine Union work and have worked closely with him through the 2020 Solstice Portal.

I was so happy to see him again. He told me that there is a Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines.

His body emanated with Rainbow Electric Fractals and I could feel the surge of the prophecy of the mass awakening coming in the blood and memory for the Ruby Grail 12-Strand DNA Template Holders.

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Field Update: New Mexico + White Navajo Revival, Native Land unplugging loosh harvesting implants, Dark Masculine releasing hold over important timeline

Field Update: New Mexico + White Navajo Revival, Native Land unplugging loosh harvesting implants, Dark Masculine releasing hold over important timeline

Tonight I worked deeply in the field using my 10th chakra. The solar chakra allows incredible communication from the higher celestial realms. The field work that came in was intense.

Aeleo’s back has been having issues and we’ve been going through multiple layers of energy in the field to map out his injury on a masculine collective scale. Sometimes we make little progress, other times there are big breakthroughs….

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