Sophianic Template

Why Being a Mother is a Sacred Position

Why Being a Mother is a Sacred Position

Something I’ve realized about the role of the Mother is that it’s a sacred position on Earth and it’s an energetic blueprint that can be embodied or it can be inverted by dark mother from trauma. The sorority of Holy Mother Sophia is severely targeted and hated here by antichrist forces.

Unfortunately, this demonic war over mother/father/child bonds is a part of the ugliest and most atrocious aspects of our spiritual fight here. The wonderful and incredible thing about this awareness is that all innocence will return to God and be healed by the heart of the Mother no matter the horrific trauma. We are meant to be like vessels of this Holy Mother heart-based love for our children. We are meant to embody the Holy Mother to the best of our ability through the qualities of the Aqua Crystal Sacred Heart of Sophia…

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Ancient Cathar Heart & Womb Technology Coming Online via Carnac France 

Ancient Cathar Heart & Womb Technology Coming Online via Carnac France 

The word Cathar can deeply resonate for many people as it is the original translation of the true Sophia Code or the Female God Principle manifesting into form.

When we begin healing our Womb/Heart Solar Line that links the womb and higher heart together, it will activate the Cathar Code or Blue Aqua Diamond Cathar Crystal Seed within both chakras riding electric blue diamond light creating the Sophianic Template and turning on the highest, most magnetic form of feminine energy possible.

The Cathar/Sophia Code is the essence of…

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