Sophianic Essence Harvesting

Field Update: Galactic Council Contact. Walk-Ins. Lilith/Azazael Reversals Clearing.

Field Update: Galactic Council Contact. Walk-Ins. Lilith/Azazael Reversals Clearing.

It’s 5am and I can’t sleep, I’m in the process of moving Azazael (corrupted masculine) directly out of my DNA.

The bloodline on my dad’s side has been holding so much corrupted masculine that it’s been incredibly hard to face and move through. (Assail fallen masculine is a force that has rejected God and targeted Sophia (the divine feminine) for aeons to harvest her energy for sustenance)

When dark masculine forces harvest energy they do it through extreme gaslighting, manipulation and emotional tyranny. Anyone who has a father or lover that was like this may relate.

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Field Update: Body Template Upgrades. False Masculine Cellular Density Collapse. Intense Triggers.

Field Update: Body Template Upgrades. False Masculine Cellular Density Collapse. Intense Triggers.

The body template is shifting in a big way right now.

The lungs/ liver/ heart/ stomach and nervous system are clearing some nasty ancient miasma and some ancestral grief that is rather daunting.

As our 12 strand DNA (organically angelic human template) restores and rebuilds we have to be with the very real unprocessed pain that we have either inherited or even the more fresh wounds of this life culminating together with the ancestral….

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