Lilith / Azazael
Reversals Clearing
In This Update
Lilith/Azazael Reversals Clearing
Galactic Councils Contact

It’s 5am and I can’t sleep, I’m in the process of moving Azazael (corrupted masculine) directly out of my DNA.
The bloodline on my dad’s side has been holding so much corrupted masculine that it’s been incredibly hard to face and move through. (Assail fallen masculine is a force that has rejected God and targeted Sophia (the divine feminine) for aeons to harvest her energy for sustenance)
When dark masculine forces harvest energy they do it through extreme gaslighting, manipulation and emotional tyranny. Anyone who has a father or lover that was like this may relate.
Azazael is also mainly used in the false twin flame template, meaning that the false unions that were sent in to run the feminine off their organic timelines were primarily men holding the reversal architecture of Azazael/Lilith – a kind of unholy union energy that comes off first as a powerful love/sex only to begin a process of extreme betrayal, then usually a Lilith archetype arrives to support the masculine in this degradation process of women who represent Sophia on earth, ie: he gets a girlfriend or the woman he is with is an actual witch and or a manifestation of the wound of Sophia.
Azazael also holds the most anti-christ principles possible in his exploitation of sacredness which translates into extreme selfishness and service to self behavior.
These experiences for the feminine holding the Sophia Grail Line energies (Princess Diana, Isis, Joan of Arc, Magdalene, Sarah daughter of Jesus, Blue Fae, Blue Rose, Rainbow Aurora Dragon lines and White Buffalo to name a few), are profoundly excruciating and can create deep wounds that are extremely hard to work through, these take time because of how affected these lines have been for millennia.
The most essential factor in dropping Azazael programming is finding all the ways that you are drawn to men that are not in devotion or service to you in a heart and soul-based way.
The attraction/ obsession/ codependency and guilt with trying to save them with your love and heal them with your “sexual energy”, all of which he has not earned or deserved through winning your heart, but actually coming in and playing on your self-esteem in subtle ways or guilting you. These takedowns of Sophia from men holding these service-to-self spirits that literally serve demonic hierarchies and supply loosh for them are systematic and can cause deep mental/emotional anguish that feels like a torture device.
Some women will go to any lengths to try and secure these men as their beloveds, or in the case that they are their fathers, make every excuse in the book to continue the cycle of feeding. They do this because they’ve run away from the pain for so long and have gotten so deeply into denial that they feel it’s life or death to not take care of this man. I know this sounds intense as fuck and it truly is something out of a sci-fi movie that happens to be a very real spiritual attack.
This is the level of trauma I have been working through from 2 attempted previous takedowns from extreme narcissists – one of them being blood-related and the other being a “spiritual connection”.
I am witnessing that this clearing is spreading far and wide, and thousands of women are now awakening to this reality and coming out of it.
This again requires finding anything inside of us that is drawn to that kind of person and healing it with the true medicine that is the Christ and the Grail Kings (Magi/ Melchizedek/ Merlin/ Arthur/ Christ) energy, and the rebuilding of our inner masculine to align to these virtues of the Holy Kings that are actually in service to Sophia. This will eventually collapse the imposter beings from coming in and praying on us and actually make way for True Unions.
Men and women can both do this masculine reset within themselves, it is truly a game changer.
I hope my personal timeline clearing of this and the resurrection of true Christ Masculine Templating will be sent through the field for everyone that is ready to receive as well.
This is something I’ve been working on for years, so it will accelerate for others.
As Azazael clears we will notice Lilith (the dark feminine) Witch energy also clearing out of our own feminine and the women we allow into our lives.
Lilith is the other aspect of Azazael. They themselves are an unholy union that when present in our field allows everything but a true Christ Sophia Union to align. It is actually a powerful reversal that causes chaos in our inner gender principle that should seek to marry in an alchemical way within our light body as a divine masculine and feminine merging into one, not in an inner war and inversion that allows for corruption/fighting and hatred of our Sophia Christ energy.
This obviously is what Azazael and Lilith want, for us to be in an inner war and a battle of the sexes instead of a pure, loving and devoted frequency.
They know that when our Union Template is messed up that it causes chaos and attraction to toxic archetypes as well as confusion on who we are at a DNA/biological level. It’s totally unholy and evil.
I suggest focusing on this clearing if toxic cycles in relationships is something you want to shift, as well as a Divine Union.
The next piece is the Galactic Councils that are specifically coming in from Lemuria and Atlantean Timelines/Dimensions to begin a process of contact and communication with those who are looking to update their earthly timelines and receive walk-ins.
Obviously, walk-ins are a part of our higher selves and not foreign entities outside of us. So I suggest always testing any spirit that asks to merge with you because no being would try unless they were indeed your contracted walk-in that is a part of your highest timeline and soul integration.
Walk-ins are us at the highest level therefore their knowledge and wisdom is from ascended realms and incredibly essential for embodiment as mastery level healers/ field workers/ oracles and clairvoyants.
Many will be ready for their walk-ins which truly do add an entire new dimension to our consciousness and profound levels of quantum/miracle healing due to their previous incarnations and imitations from different angelic realms and starseed nations.
If you’re feeling walk-in energies now, it is a warm essence that feels familiar and close to you on a soul level while false/fallen/imposter beings give us a feeling of anxiety and fear so please learn to distinguish this if you’re being contacted by your walk-in.
As always, test the spirits with Christ.
The Galactic Councils will guide you into this process and also support you in any case you may have for divine justice you want to be enacted now on earth.
I do see them ready to support truth/ freedom and liberty on earth.
I also see that they feel walk-ins will support this process immensely through us as we hold more light and more of our cosmic divinity.
We are here to hold true angelic frequencies and restore God on this planet after all.
I hope this all helps…
I’m also getting downloads from isis around rainbow wing templates which I will write about very soon – Click HERE to read.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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