Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s relationship and Past Life Memories ExplainedIn this VideoJesus and Mary Magdalene’s relationship and Past Life Memories Explained Twin Flame vs Reptilian Interface My Divine Union Story via Communication with Mary Magdalene. Programming...
Reptilian Interface
Reptilian Genetics and the Womb of Sophia
The Holy Spirit and Feminine Essence of God is the most sought after energy by dark forces.
It is the most desecrated thing in every living being in this area of our universe and all areas invaded by draco/reptilian/Annunaki beings.
They are harvesting this in insane amounts by corrupting and traumatizing the Feminine into a false masculine shell in order to survive in this dimensional plane. Sophia, the Feminine Christ, in essence is the pinnacle of innocence and trust, allowing itself to be led and held by the Masculine Christ in full openness and ecstasy…
Ascension Update: Reptilian Interface and Core Wounding around the Inner Masculine
Ascension UpdateReptilian Interface and Core Wounding around the Inner MasculineIn This Video:Ascension Update Reptilian Interface and Core Wounding around the Inner MasculineLove You All!PS: If this video resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and...
Collapsing the Reptilian Interface
We were all born with Divine Authority over darkness.
We would be completely unfazed by dark forces if we didn’t decide to take on personal/ collective and ancestral wounds/blindspots that give them consent to attack us until we become conscious of the wounds and heal them.
This means that as we actually reintegrate our Soul and heal all soul fragmentation, we will deal with less personal attack and become truly sovereign through Natural Law.
As we come up to the timeline of 2022-2024 (which is when everything’s going to come out) we are being pushed to face 2 main things…
False Twin Flame Fallout and Sourcing to God as Money and Sustenance
The last few days have been about “endings” and this theme will continue for the next few weeks.
The more that our true Christ Sophia Union Template activates the more the false twin or inorganic partner falls away as the True Genetic Equal begins their lift within our Soul Matrix/ Lightbody and Physical Reality.
A lot of people are with the physical manifestation of their Masculine or Feminine wound in a person which is actually a part of the reptilian interface although it does work to our benefit, which I will explain…