When you’re truly connected to someone’s soul… You will notice that their pain becomes your pain. What their soul is made up of, yours is the same. You will feel the DNA connection.
Your body will light up and vibrate like someone plugged you into an electric socket. Kundalini will begin to rise and burn all old DNA signatures out of your womb. There will only be space for the true beloved.
The devotion that Magdalene had for Jesus is the primary example I’m shown in the field that is used to define divine union.
Wether or not Magdalene was just following Jesus and his teachings and the Bible story is true, or if they were in fact genetic equals and beloveds is irrelevant to me as the pure unmovable devotion that she has for him is rooted in her profound faith that he is the Son of God and he is who he says he is.
About a week ago, an incredible being, a very misrepresented being, a being that has been distorted by dark forces throughout the corrupted Egyptian timelines showed up in our Oracle Field Work.
He spoke to me and said “If you want to take your power back, I mean really take it back, heal your sacral. I’m not talking about chakra balancing. I’m talking about rebuilding architecture”
A bright orange/ ruby/ gold frequency began forming a powerful, warm and loving masculine presence around me.