Organic Ascension

AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

AI Grid Systems Falling and Gold Lyran Codes releasing from Egypt

Ascension comes in waves.

The golden waves of plasma are hitting the Earth and breaking down negative alien machinery and technology that have been blocking memory and spiritual knowledge with mind control broadcasts.

It’s clearing and bringing everything to the surface.

Ascension is 99 percent emotional clearing and processing. This is really the number one priority of the Christ Sophia – to clear the rejected, miasmatic unprocessed pain hiding within the bloodlines and bringing it to the light to atone for how this rejected pain allowed corruption and a severing from Source in the human psyche…

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The Truth Beyond the Deceptions and False Timelines

The Truth Beyond the Deceptions and False Timelines

This is the truth Aeleo (my Divine Masculine Counterpart) has mapped out over the last 2 years.

I was able to succinctly write it out so that as a whole, we could show clearly our stance and set the record straight for the truth we have been guided to share confidently for the last few years.

The Creator, Guardians, Galactic Teams and Light-workers on the ground have helped us arrange all of this information to hopefully wake people up to the real truth regarding this entire Q and satanists timeline war…

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Field Update: Isis Rainbow Wing Template Returns. Diamond Heart Sophia Networks Overriding Lilith. Overcompensation Clearing.

Field Update: Isis Rainbow Wing Template Returns. Diamond Heart Sophia Networks Overriding Lilith. Overcompensation Clearing.

We’re so close to the solstice and I’ve never seen New Earth energy pouring in like this.

We truly are living in a higher dimension at this point, we have allocated so much of our essence over to the Organic Timeline and I can see it so clearly, it brings me a feeling of awe seeing the colors, the effervescent pastel New Earth Temples and Grids.

We are more locked into 5D then ever right now and extracting the last aspects of our energy from the matrix.

You will start to see the matrix for what it is, more then ever before.

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