Oracle of Sophia

Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics

Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics

It’s truly something to behold watching people secondhand regurgitate and misinterpret spiritual information and utilize it to bully and even dehumanize others.

Just like someone who uses biblical scriptures to feel morally superior to “sinners”, anyone can use any doctrine or spiritual teaching to persecute or bully another who they view as not on the same level.

Obviously, it is our individual responsibility to reclaim our relationship with the Divine and put boundaries to all violating forces or people that seek to middle man or distort that relationship, but it is easier said than done in the age of social media…

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Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

The sexual polarity in my relationship is currently off the charts. This is a new experience, not because we haven’t had amazing sexual polarity before but because we’re finally merging as one.

It’s added a spiritual and telepathic/empathic element that is almost surreal and yet is scarily real.

The process that occurs between two souls that are one through the Christos-Sophia Angelic Template Avatar in the Heavenly Realms is one that when activated through the first words spoken and then love-making, begins a process that completely cleans you out of all inversions, corruptions, and pain body ego constructs while also going through every layer of your etheric and spiritual bodies so that it can…

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Gods Intention for the Feminine and the Holy Ecstasy of Safety with the Masculine

Gods Intention for the Feminine and the Holy Ecstasy of Safety with the Masculine

What is gods intention for the feminine?

This is the question I ask my higher self when it comes to being a women in a committed relationship and a woman in general. “What is God’s original, Aeonic truth for Sophia as its authentic self-expression in Angelic Human form?”

When we want to understand the embodiment of the Feminine Polarity, we would first need to look at the feminine aspect of God and the Sophia of Jesus which is the Feminine Spirit and Soul of Christ and his innate oneness with the Feminine and reverence for the innocence and sacredness within the Holy Spirit that he embodied…

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The Reclamation of Sophianic Soul Fragments

The Reclamation of Sophianic Soul Fragments

Right now, there is a Soul Retrieval occurring that is being supported by the Aquaferion Guardian Races and Elemental beings coming in from the Mother Arc Realms and in the Crystal Caves and Cathedrals in our oceans.

This retrieval is helping us to re-assimilate Soul Aspects and fragments that have been heavily traumatized and held in catacombs, entombment, sexual enslavement and reptilian harvesting.

There is a showdown between the Sophianic Feminine Christ Bloodlines and the massive bloodline demons that have been terrorizing and using every core wound against her through manufactured consent via unhealed trauma…

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Magdalene Rose Template 

Magdalene Rose Template 

Magdalene was the one who asked me to do my first Grid Work assignment in Paris to return the heart of Jesus, release strong holds feeding off the impaled, crucified heart of the Masculine Christ Bloodlines and clear demonic hubs around the Sacré-Cœur.

She told me that this would begin the acceleration of my Union Timeline and activate him (wherever he was) to prepare him for our meeting. At the time, I was feeling distraught as I was going through the reptilian interface and it was nothing but clearing corrupted masculine and learning to clear reptilian (false twin flame) harvesting systems and implants.

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Reptilian Genetics and the Womb of Sophia 

Reptilian Genetics and the Womb of Sophia 

The Holy Spirit and Feminine Essence of God is the most sought after energy by dark forces.

It is the most desecrated thing in every living being in this area of our universe and all areas invaded by draco/reptilian/Annunaki beings.

They are harvesting this in insane amounts by corrupting and traumatizing the Feminine into a false masculine shell in order to survive in this dimensional plane. Sophia, the Feminine Christ, in essence is the pinnacle of innocence and trust, allowing itself to be led and held by the Masculine Christ in full openness and ecstasy…

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