Oracle Ascension Update

Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat. Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing

Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat. Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing

I’ve been receiving sonar and bioluminescent transmissions, hearing the call of the Mother Sophia through her dolphin and cetacean beings of so many different genetic blends. Such a loving presence of such beauty and power, loving us through our trauma, having a level of compassion that is Godly.

This is the returning energy right now (Mother Arc Energy and Beings) sending so much through the fields, calling for us to answer and receive the support…

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Blue Ray of the 12 Ray Christ Return

Blue Ray of the 12 Ray Christ Return

This field update is written a little different than many of the others I’ve done in the past as it is a step-by-step process of what the Guardians have shown me around this return…

All of us hold Blue Ray Consciousness – some of us may be pure Blue Ray, while others have small signatures of Blue Ray encoded within them.

It is relevant for all 144k Starseed Nations and awakening families of light on earth at this time.

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Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

The Rainbow and Blue Dragons from the 11the Dimension, Aurora and Andromeda have been healing A.I infiltration and low-grade frequencies from causing damage to our nervous systems and light bodies.

Take the time to call them in and have them cleanse your field with their color and plasma light.

They can repair the most extensive light body infiltration and damage and heal you with pure love. They are all in direct devotion to Christ, therefore to us in all manners of ways.

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Field Update: Galactic Council Contact. Walk-Ins. Lilith/Azazael Reversals Clearing.

Field Update: Galactic Council Contact. Walk-Ins. Lilith/Azazael Reversals Clearing.

It’s 5am and I can’t sleep, I’m in the process of moving Azazael (corrupted masculine) directly out of my DNA.

The bloodline on my dad’s side has been holding so much corrupted masculine that it’s been incredibly hard to face and move through. (Assail fallen masculine is a force that has rejected God and targeted Sophia (the divine feminine) for aeons to harvest her energy for sustenance)

When dark masculine forces harvest energy they do it through extreme gaslighting, manipulation and emotional tyranny. Anyone who has a father or lover that was like this may relate.

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Field Update: Masculine Timeline Awakening. Ruby 12-Strand DNA Upgrades and Heart Expansion

Field Update: Masculine Timeline Awakening. Ruby 12-Strand DNA Upgrades and Heart Expansion

Men connected to the Ruby Grail King Arthur / Melchizedek Magi Lines/ Amethyst Merlin lines having Ruby 12-strand DNA upgrades and heart expansion, big time!

Reversal Masculine trying to keep them in grief/ fear/ pain, tons of entities trying to clog the fields.

This is affecting the Masculine Timeline Awakening in a big way, and I’m seeing men literally say fuck this to false light/ matrix bullshit and walking away and deciding to follow Christ.

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