Oracle Ascension Update

Timeline Choice Points and Curse Breaking

Timeline Choice Points and Curse Breaking

In this VideoCurse breaking and how to break a curse Timeline choice points to clear ancient archonic strongholds  Infections via Sophianic Template clearing Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates,...

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Diana VS Dark Mother. The Crown Timelines Healing

Diana VS Dark Mother. The Crown Timelines Healing

In this VideoDiana VS Dark Mother (The Crown) Timelines Healing Boundaries and self-worth, not self-sacrificing Eclipse energy, tension rising Spiritual bubble mentality Spiritual Maturity The Little Mermaid Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our...

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Nubian Priestess Bloodline Return

This return is endlessly fascinating to me!

I was working the field today and a retrieval came through that went from Madagascar to the pyramid of Giza. It was for the Nubian Priestess Bloodlines. This is a Sophia Christ Grail Line that has a Ruby Diamond Tone – this is similar to the White Buffalo Sophia Grail Line as both show up as a Ruby Diamond Frequency…

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Sophia Bloodlines and the Anunnaki Timeline Wounds from Joan of Arc Healing 

Sophia Bloodlines and the Anunnaki Timeline Wounds from Joan of Arc Healing 

Something I found so incredible was the witnessing of Joan of Arc’s life a few nights ago.

I was able to see exactly what she looked like. Her eyes were that of a dragon, eyes that I’ve never seen before besides with Jesus. Blue sapphire eyes slanted and very round. She had a somewhat masculine energy but it blended with a fiery feminine frequency, her brown hair tied back, she did wear armour but it was golden with dragon symbols on it…

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