Oracle Ascension Update

False Light New Age Occultism Fully Explained

False Light New Age Occultism Fully Explained

False light and false ascension models are based on a false version of God, universal laws and entities that have set up shop in a plane of the astral realm that we would call the false 5D.

This false 5D or lower 5D is made up of synthetic, sticky light that is sharp and harvests energy. It appears loving and Christ-like but as you get closer to it or align within its framework you start feeling unsettled.

You will notice that you don’t feel like you’re truly safe or grounded. Over time, you will feel very drained, confused and even lost. You may keep trying to work with this “light” or those “light beings” hoping that you’re just resisting but the red flags will get more and more intense…

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Sophia Return through Peach Rose Template (Bridget) Oracle of Avalon Grail Queen Lineage

Sophia Return through Peach Rose Template (Bridget) Oracle of Avalon Grail Queen Lineage

We are in the midst of a massive Sophia Return this month (August), working through the Halls of Lyra and gifted through the Peach Rose Template that originates from Source as the template and signature/architecture of the Bride of Christ.

We can feel the color codes of peach and rose gold rising through the image of the Leo/Lyran matriarchs. I can sense a group of Lyran Matriarchs working closely in the Halls of Amenti to expand our access points around the Akasha for ourselves and others as it feels aligned and resonant. We will be able to access more files and records as we initiate through these fields that are very difficult and require a lot of core/seed fear uprooting and processing…

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Sophia Clearing Astral Debris Fields and Interfaced Superimposed Karma

Sophia Clearing Astral Debris Fields and Interfaced Superimposed Karma

When we come to this planet, we often take on bloodlines that need to be rehabilitated back to the source field. This includes taking on genetics and epigenetic karmic distortions that can be severe.

Some people will take on betrayal scenarios or violations and go through the ‘as above so below’ process of clearing that signature and cycle of energy and transmuting it through retrieving the codes of overcoming that specific frequency that’s stuck replaying and cycling. This can require that we face certain outer circumstances that trigger this core wound back into zero point and anchor a new timeline of experience for that bloodline and any beings connected to that specific genetic line which can be vast…

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