Internalized Misogyny

Why Being a Mother is a Sacred Position

Why Being a Mother is a Sacred Position

Something I’ve realized about the role of the Mother is that it’s a sacred position on Earth and it’s an energetic blueprint that can be embodied or it can be inverted by dark mother from trauma. The sorority of Holy Mother Sophia is severely targeted and hated here by antichrist forces.

Unfortunately, this demonic war over mother/father/child bonds is a part of the ugliest and most atrocious aspects of our spiritual fight here. The wonderful and incredible thing about this awareness is that all innocence will return to God and be healed by the heart of the Mother no matter the horrific trauma. We are meant to be like vessels of this Holy Mother heart-based love for our children. We are meant to embody the Holy Mother to the best of our ability through the qualities of the Aqua Crystal Sacred Heart of Sophia…

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Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

The beginning of the destruction of the Cathar Body – which is the Collective Feminine Christ Body of Sophia – began with beings that have no empathy and hate the Feminine Principle of Creation in all forms.

They designed and created very sophisticated means of enslavement, harvesting, torturing and finding what harms females specifically to begin broadcasting and implanting those things into the genetics and bloodlines of the targeted Root Races through means of mind control and limiting access to true history and higher dimensional bandwidths.

The main agenda was to remove the feminine from all spiritual texts as to not be found as a part of God…

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