Highest Timeline

Soul Template Ascension Map 

In the Higher Heavenly Realms, Jesus and Melchizedek designed a Soul Template layered into the Heart Field of each person that has a Map of our Highest Timeline on it and what we planned to do before we came here – it’s an Ascension Map with an ideal timeline. (Obviously, Free Will means there is no control here, just Gods’ influence)…

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Above All, God Values Authenticity

Above All, God Values Authenticity

Trying to appear to be holy, good and well behaved while you’re deep down angry, resentful and feeling some type of way is the program that God wants us to clear called “you have to be loving, or fully self loving to be loved, you can’t be loved where you are”.

It hurts to live without having a real relationship with God where you say what’s truly in your heart and are understood and completely loved regardless.

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