Divine Union

Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

The sexual polarity in my relationship is currently off the charts. This is a new experience, not because we haven’t had amazing sexual polarity before but because we’re finally merging as one.

It’s added a spiritual and telepathic/empathic element that is almost surreal and yet is scarily real.

The process that occurs between two souls that are one through the Christos-Sophia Angelic Template Avatar in the Heavenly Realms is one that when activated through the first words spoken and then love-making, begins a process that completely cleans you out of all inversions, corruptions, and pain body ego constructs while also going through every layer of your etheric and spiritual bodies so that it can…

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The Magnetic Heart Field of Sophia

The Magnetic Heart Field of Sophia

The Heart Field of Sophia is something sacred to behold. It provides a level of nourishment that is incomparable to any other essence in this universe.

This Heart Field is the Feminine Spirit of the Christ – Jesus’s Holy Spirit.

In the earliest and first interpretations of the Bible, Jesus would often speak of the Holy Spirit as Sophia and a she, however, the word continued to get changed until the Feminine was completely severed from the Trinity. After all, we cannot trust the translations of Moloch worshipping snake priesthoods or Annunaki worshipping Pharisees to represent Christ Sophia authentically, as that would have been the very key to humanity’s salvation…

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Union is Quite Trippy

Sometimes, me and Aeleo will have this electricity between us, like building to a thousand volts. It’s subtle and yet builds over a few days. It’s an attraction, a sexual chemistry, it’s spiritual, its cosmic, it’s completely intoxicating and yet it’s not like a lust. It’s deeper than that and has a massive heart field of energy plus sexual.

I can feel different areas of the Earth, like the desert or canyons and the masculine energy pulsing from the Christ Returns in the Grids…

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Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

Draco Genetics, Misogyny and Forgiveness to Free the Feminine from Ancient Bondage

The beginning of the destruction of the Cathar Body – which is the Collective Feminine Christ Body of Sophia – began with beings that have no empathy and hate the Feminine Principle of Creation in all forms.

They designed and created very sophisticated means of enslavement, harvesting, torturing and finding what harms females specifically to begin broadcasting and implanting those things into the genetics and bloodlines of the targeted Root Races through means of mind control and limiting access to true history and higher dimensional bandwidths.

The main agenda was to remove the feminine from all spiritual texts as to not be found as a part of God…

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Albion Portal Opening

Albion Portal Opening

Albion Portal OpeningIn This Video:Albion Portal Opening  Ancient Separation Union Timelines Clearing  Massive Dark Portal AI Attack being Shielded  Dark Forces trying to Hijack the other side Awakening in order to Control both sides  Huge Change - 555Love You All!PS:...

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The Ecstasy of Being One with GOD

The Ecstasy of Being One with GOD

Imagine a being that loves you so deeply, so unconditionally that it longs to not only be one with you, but to actually “be” you, experience you, become you.

To feel it all with you. To experience every sorrow, every fear, every ounce of heartache. To never separate itself from your existence.

Well, look no further because that’s God, the One, the Creator.

Let me take it a step further…

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