Cosmic Christ

Magdalene Walk-ins & Aqua Sophia Bloodline Restoration for Blue Rose Template Holders

Magdalene Walk-ins & Aqua Sophia Bloodline Restoration for Blue Rose Template Holders

On the planet Venus, long ago, Jesus as we know him (the Cosmic Christ) incarnated in an entirely matriarchal society led by the Grail Queen Hatshepsut.

Hatshepsut was an incredible leader in Egypt and tried to stand up to the fallen draconian patriarchy that came in to destroy all of her teachings and kill her in order to take over and poison her kingdom. She was betrayed and killed, her body was stolen and they planted a false history about who she was.

If you tune into the Temple of Hatshepsut you will be able to feel her Rainbow Dragon Body and Essence…

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Mary Magdalene’s Past Life memory with Jesus

Mary Magdalene’s Past Life memory with Jesus

My communication with the Grail Queen Mary Magdalene was beyond what I was prepared for this time. She wanted to show me her memory with Jesus. She warned me it would be very intense and to share it with others. I reassured her I could handle it.

I saw Jesus’ tomb, I saw Mary outside of it – The implications of that are beyond what most can comprehend…

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Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

For years we have been challenged with intelligent and malevolent Alien Technology and Systems that have utilized our Family of Origin Trauma and Core Distortions to run us through the mud and destabilize our trust in God so that we are more likely to be tempted into their solutions, material fulfillment and the Sacrificing and Martyrdom of our True Spiritual Integrity to play a game of survival in their world.

The False Twin Flame Matrix and Reptilian Interfacing has been a number 1 attack on the Feminine Sophia of Collective.

They were able to awaken us to our highest self defence against their warfare tactics while also causing us to feel that we are losing our mind and feel dreadfully alone and abandoned by the Masculine – especially at the deepest layer, our Creator.

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