Blue Fae

Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

As we return to Eternal Life through full reliance on God’s sustenance, we anchor the new earth and begin to align to victory over the inorganic timelines.

It’s interesting what I’m seeing. It’s like a breakdown of Luciferian, reversal serpent energies that have been feeding on the root/ sacral.

Joan of arc is a Grail Queen and a part of the Sophia Christ incarnation line and I’m feeling the devotional aspect Is what she’s highlighting in the field for us all. We’re being shown to fully reconnect through devotion with the Creator and as we do this, luciferian reversals that have been in control of some of these grids we’re all working on are collapsing and there’s these Diamond Faerie Devotional/ Eternal Life Streams that are just enveloping us…

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Field Update: Double White Wing Template + Pure Devotion + Arthur Message

Field Update: Double White Wing Template + Pure Devotion + Arthur Message

The devotion that Magdalene had for Jesus is the primary example I’m shown in the field that is used to define divine union.

Wether or not Magdalene was just following Jesus and his teachings and the Bible story is true, or if they were in fact genetic equals and beloveds is irrelevant to me as the pure unmovable devotion that she has for him is rooted in her profound faith that he is the Son of God and he is who he says he is.

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Field Update: Galactic Council Contact. Walk-Ins. Lilith/Azazael Reversals Clearing.

Field Update: Galactic Council Contact. Walk-Ins. Lilith/Azazael Reversals Clearing.

It’s 5am and I can’t sleep, I’m in the process of moving Azazael (corrupted masculine) directly out of my DNA.

The bloodline on my dad’s side has been holding so much corrupted masculine that it’s been incredibly hard to face and move through. (Assail fallen masculine is a force that has rejected God and targeted Sophia (the divine feminine) for aeons to harvest her energy for sustenance)

When dark masculine forces harvest energy they do it through extreme gaslighting, manipulation and emotional tyranny. Anyone who has a father or lover that was like this may relate.

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