Ascension Oracle

The Divine Union Resurrection of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

The Divine Union Resurrection of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

I’ve seen a vision of Akhenaten – a Divine Masculine being that held the Christ Oversoul in his incarnation as an benevolent Egyptian Pharaoh who was working with Solar Christ Masculine energy and Emerald/ Ruby Father Arc Codes to heal the Divine Union Template, end child trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting that was occurring underground in pseudo-spiritual male priest circles that were meant to be sacred but were infiltrated by dracos that were perverting the Masculine Consciousness on earth, and beginning to plan their attack on Akhenaten and end his mission to heal the Christ Bloodlines and restore order through Christ Sophia and the return of our true Christ Father.

Basically, Akhenaten was here to bring the truth of the Christ/ Holy Father back, restore spiritual truths by sharing them all over the area…

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Bloodline Entity Eviction making way for Solar, Angelic Goddess Templates and Emerald Heart Christ Returns

Bloodline Entity Eviction making way for Solar, Angelic Goddess Templates and Emerald Heart Christ Returns

The black magic being thrown at us the last few days is enough to create tension, keep us feeling tired, sad, a bit unstable but also enough to get us to dig very deep.

That’s what I’ve taken this opportunity to do. To see anywhere that I’m still externalizing my safety and stability and anywhere I’m not relying on the creator for my sustenance.

Long term family bloodline demons and entities are currently being banished from a long standing harvesting cycle on certain Christ/Angelic Bloodlines here.

Once they began dehumanizing incarnated Angels and Starseeds in the past….

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Grief – A preparation we cannot bypass

Grief – A preparation we cannot bypass

I genuinely feel that when we set up to come to earth, we underestimate the level of density, we forget what a nervous system feels like in this dimension.

We jump in feeling the desire to help return God’s people and support the Earth’s Ascension and now that we’re here and we’re in the thick of this anti christ battle, we are desperate for the pain to end, we are desperate for our fellow human/ non-humans to wake up to this demonic infection in our universe, as we know this awareness is what starves it and ends it sooner rather than after tons more destruction it is setting up to do takes place….

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Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

Hierogamical Union Templates Streaming through Avalon Grid

For years we have been challenged with intelligent and malevolent Alien Technology and Systems that have utilized our Family of Origin Trauma and Core Distortions to run us through the mud and destabilize our trust in God so that we are more likely to be tempted into their solutions, material fulfillment and the Sacrificing and Martyrdom of our True Spiritual Integrity to play a game of survival in their world.

The False Twin Flame Matrix and Reptilian Interfacing has been a number 1 attack on the Feminine Sophia of Collective.

They were able to awaken us to our highest self defence against their warfare tactics while also causing us to feel that we are losing our mind and feel dreadfully alone and abandoned by the Masculine – especially at the deepest layer, our Creator.

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Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

For the last few years myself and many others were prepping for the Sophia Holy Spirit Feminine Christ Return that was able to make it through August 8 of 2020 last year and blast out so much dark feminine implants, dark portals, false light, dark mother and so on and to begin being received by the Angelic and Starseed Sophia Collective.

This caused a huge fall wound within our feminine energy to be pulled up and worked on.

As the return of Sophia through the Bali/UK, Avalon Grids comes full circle we know that anyone in the Feminine Collective playing out enemy patterning is not being allowed to receive the Organic, Sophia Templates as the corruption in their Soul is too big of a risk and not trusted with Higher Gift Activation incase they use it without integrity and safety for others.

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False Twin Flame Fallout and Sourcing to God as Money and Sustenance

False Twin Flame Fallout and Sourcing to God as Money and Sustenance

The last few days have been about “endings” and this theme will continue for the next few weeks.

The more that our true Christ Sophia Union Template activates the more the false twin or inorganic partner falls away as the True Genetic Equal begins their lift within our Soul Matrix/ Lightbody and Physical Reality.

A lot of people are with the physical manifestation of their Masculine or Feminine wound in a person which is actually a part of the reptilian interface although it does work to our benefit, which I will explain…

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