
Abortion and Moloch Grids, Planned Parenthood and Eugenics

Abortion and Moloch Grids, Planned Parenthood and Eugenics

On this planet and in this area of our universe, is a deep need for learning psychic self-defence and how to spiritually protect and defend oneself. It’s not a place where life is held, protected and defended completely and it’s not a place where there is learned responsibility for ones sexual energy, the ability to get someone pregnant and the ability to get pregnant.

The Sacral Chakra is the most targeted area of the Lightbody as it is where our sexual energy emanates and flows. If this area of our body has trauma or is compromised from belief systems that suppress it, it makes it an open target. When the power and sacredness of the ability to create or hold life is profoundly diminished in our society let alone explained to a child in some cases…

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